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I walked to class and sat down. Class had already started but I didn't care. Raegan wasn't in class which was also odd. His bag was in class, but he wasn't. I got his backpack and found his phone. I grabbed it and saw Grayson texting him.

Grayson: Bro where did you go? You just ran away without any reason

Then a text from Danny.

Danny: I thought we were gonna STICK TOGETHER to bring tranny down!

Then a text from Liam.

Liam: you are such a dick. Running away just because you see tranny! Really!?!

What was going on?

They were trying to take me down?

How could Raegan do that?

I put Raegan's phone up and walked to the bathroom. Then I saw Raegan, sitting on the ground, face hid in his knees, with a blade in his hand. I ran over to him and grabbed the blade. I threw it behind me not caring where it went.

Justin: Raegan!

Raegan slowly sat his head up.

Justin: what the hell happened?

Raegan: the boys, they were trying to make a plan to hurt you, I tried to stop them, but they started to hurt me, and I ran away because I saw you.

Justin: calm down, I'm here now, its gonna be okay.

After a few minutes of sitting there, Raegan got up and pulled me up with him. Then he kissed me. It lasted for like 10 seconds. I pulled away and we walked back to class. By the time we got back class was over, and it was time for lunch.

We got to the lunchroom and I sat with Bri and Raegan. We talked for a while until Bri had to leave for her counseling meeting. Raegan and I stayed quiet, frequent glances at each other.

I could tell Raegan still was not feeling well. I wasn't either. Especially because of the situation between riley and I.

I stayed quiet, just slowly eating my food.

The more I ate, the more I felt the urge to throw up.

I stopped eating and laid my head down.

Next thing I know I was asleep.

I woke up to the bell. I groaned and got up. I threw my trash away and walked to class. I sat down and laid my head down again.

Halfway in class, I felt sick to my stomach again.

I got up and walked out, heading towards Ms. Hope's room. I got in there and sat down. I laid my head down and remembered the blade in my pocket. I pulled it out making sure nobody was looking. I dug it deep into my skin making me jump back a bit. It hurt so much, but it felt good at the same time. After a few good cuts, I put the blade away and walked out of Ms. Hope's class.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at the cuts, they were deep. I cleaned it off with some water and walked to the nurses office. I grabbed some bandaids and a wrap. I wrapped up my arm and walked back to class. Class was fast, so now I was done. I left the school and headed towards my house. Then I felt a hand grip onto mine. I turned around and saw Raegan, smiling big.

Raegan: hey!

Justin: hi Raegan..

Raegan: something wrong?

Justin: no

Raegan: what's wrong?

Justin: nothing.

Raegan: come on, just tell me

Justin: I have to get going now

Raegan: but Justin-

I started walking away to my house, head down the whole time.

Mystery Kid~ Jaegan💎 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now