Hey Bella!

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This my Hey Bella! series where you, the reader, can ask her any questions you want her to answer.

Example: Hey Bella! What's your favorite memory you have with your brother? OR Hey Bella! Would you rather live in a apocalyptic world or live as a doll for the rest of your life?

Thanks for reading! Please don't be afraid to send in your own!! Enjoy.


Q: Hey Bella! Have you ever had someone use a pick-up line on you? If yes, what was it?

Bella: Yeah. Many, many times... most of them were pretty cliche, but this one stood out the most for me: "Hey, are you a keyboard? Because you are my type." I swear, I think that was the most stupidest one I've ever gotten.

Random Guy: Hey girl, are you Ariel? Because we mermaid for each other.

Bella: *sighs* Get out.

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