Bella x You

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Dialogue Prompt:

"I have 50 boxes of cake mix, we need to start making cakes ASAP. Where the hell are you?"

"I think you got the wrong number, but count me in anyway, it sounds like fun!"


Bella didn't know how the hell she got into this mess in the first place.

All she knew was that she had ordered a few boxes of cake mix to make some cake with Kiran, but those 'few' boxes somehow turned into fifty boxes. Now, Bella didn't know what to do with all fifty of them. So she ended up deciding to make more than one cake, and possibly a gigantic one too.

But there was something– no, someone missing. Kiran.

They were supposed to be baking together, but Kiran was an hour late and Bella was getting impatient. Bella dialed Kiran's number once again (after failing to reach her so many times).

This was the tenth time Bella was calling her. Bella swore if Kiran didn't pick up her phone, she was going to bring all the cake mixes to Kiran's apartment and trash it.

"Geez, just because you got a new phone and whatever doesn't mean you can ignore my calls Lee Kiran!" Bella grumbled, waiting for her friend to pick up. "I swear to–"

The phone was answered.

"Finally!" Bella huffed. "I have 50 boxes of cake mix, we need to start making cakes ASAP. Where the hell are you?"

"I think you got the wrong number..." the receiver on the other line said. And it was definitely not Kiran. "But count me in anyway, it sounds like fun!"

"The fu–" Bella cut herself off and immediately asked, "Who's this?"

The person on the other line answered, "Uh... I'm a stranger named Y/N. I'm actually kind of bored right now and making cake sounds like a good choice for me to get over my boredom!"

Bella remained silent for a couple seconds before speaking again, "Perfect! I'm looking for a new friend anyway. Bring twenty-dozen of eggs to 8-14 Hannam-dong, Seoul, apartment number 483 around six o'clock!"

"Wonderful! See you then!"

Bella hung up, smiling happily. She had made a new friend. No longer caring about Kiran and how she was dialing the wrong number the entire time. All she cared about was making cake with Y/N.

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