Bella x alarm clock

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Prompt: "...just had a fight with my alarm clock. It wanted me to wake up, I disagreed. Things got violent. Now it's broken and I'm awake. I'm not sure who won..."


"What... did you do...?" Dara questioned, carefully. Her eyes raked over the messy room (that Bella made).

"Huh?" Bella shot up from her bed, her messy bed hair sticking from all angles. It was ridiculously cute.

"It's like a tornado came in here and then left. Jesus, Bella, you're like a dog who goes crazy when the owner is gone for like ten minutes, wrecks the house, and acts like it didn't do it when the owner comes back."

Dara continued to look over Bella's shared room with Minzy. Pillows, clothes, shoes, blankets, dog toys– everywhere! And not only that, but there was a broken alarm clock that was smashed into pieces next to Bella's bed.

"Why are you comparing me to a dog?"

"Bella, it's seven in the morning. Why are you making so much noise?" Chaelin walked in, standing next to Dara, before gasping at the sight in front of her. "Yah! What the hell happened?"

"Well... uh, I happened to just have a fight with my alarm clock. It wanted me to wake up, I disagreed. Things got violent. Now it's broken and I'm wide awake. I'm not sure who won..." Bella elaborated, shrugging her shoulders.

The two older women glanced at each other and then back at Bella, before at each other again.

What the hell?, Chaelin mouthed to Dara, who only shrugged in response.

"I think it's the medicine." Dara whispered, when Bella fell back onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes. "That thing is pretty effective.

"Yeah... you're right. It's strong. She's probably grouchy because she was sleeping so well." Chaelin nodded.

"Yah, Bella." Dara said in a stern voice. "Make sure to clean up your mess."

"Your room." Chaelin corrected, her face was scrunched in disgust at the items scattered all over her floor.

"It's Minzy's too." Bella yawned.

"Well, clean your side of the room." Dara said again. "All the dirty germs in here is the reason why you got sick."

"No, it's not." Bella sniffed, it was clear she had a runny nose. She kept sniffing, hating that she could only breathe through one of her nostrils. And she's been sick for the past two weeks! Bella was getting tired of it. "It was because of... the..." she trailed off, sleepily.

"Clean your room. You hear me?"



Still nothing.

"Hey... Kwon Miyeon."

Dead silent.

The only sound heard was Bella's soft snoring.

"Wasn't she just wide awake?" Chaelin murmured. She was confused at how the girl could be wild and energetic for ten minutes, then be tired and sleepy the minute after.

Dara nodded, "Now she's asleep."

"Whatever is in that medicine, is doing something right." The leader of the band chuckled. "Now we can get some peace and quiet without Bella's sarcastic mouth going off."

"You're right. Let's leave before she wakes up again." Dara said, letting the younger female drag her out of the room the maknae was in.

"She okay?" Minzy asked from the living room. She had gotten up early to go for a morning jog.


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