Chapter 5

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Hey guys just letting you all know if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. I need all the support I can get. And I need people to spread the word of my story so tell your friends. You know unless you don't want to. I'm not gonna push it. Any was hope you like this chapter. 😜😄😎😎😎
(Does anyone else love emojis because I think their awesome)


"Annabeth, get your tail up!"Thalia screamed.
"What?"I moaned.
"Get up your going to be late"
"What!!!, where's piper?"
"I'm over here." Piper said. I jumped up, grabbed my clothes, and ran for the shower. When I got out I was wearing a white tube top underneath a sea green loose tank, a white leather jacket to hide the bruises, white shorts, and black converses. I decided to leave my hair down, I had on my owl jewelry set and an infinity ring. I grabbed my book bag and started to run to the door,"wait!!!" Screamed piper. "What?" Thalia and I asked. "We need to compare schedules"
"Ugh" we moaned as we walked over to piper showing her our schedules.






Social studies


Social studies







Social studies






"We have a few classes together" I said kind of disappointed.
"Yeah, That sucks" piper said as if it was the worst possible news ever.
"Whatever, we'll be ok"Thalia said.
"It's fine, oh and could I have Percy's number?"I asked
"Yeah, here it is"Thalia responded as she looked at me skeptically.
"What!?" I asked kind of confused as to why she was looking at me that way.
"Nothing" she stated while taking my phone out of my hand.
"Whatever" I said as I rolled my eyes at her realizing she was talking about me and Percy. She chuckled as she handed me my phone "here".
"Thanks" I said kind of annoyed that she wouldn't leave me alone about it.
"No problem. Oh, I forgot, Percy and Jason have the same classes as you so you might want to get them to show you around ." Thalia said.
"Ok" I replied.
Hey Percy, it's annabeth we have the same classes so can you meet me at the front of the girls dorm?

Hey annabeth, and yeah. Travis, his girlfriend Katie, and Jason are coming too,if that's ok? Be there in 5.


Hey so hope you liked it and still please comment I like to know what you think it will greatly help with writing a new chapter.

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