Chapter 2: Weird??

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Disclaimer:I do not own PJO or HoO rick riordan does

Did I just see who I thought I saw? No that's not possible she lives in San Francisco. But It looked just like her. Who am I kidding I get excited every time I see a blond haired girl with natural curls. I wish I could see her again, I miss her laugh, her smile, the way she called me seaweed brain, even her name. Annabeth. Stop it Percy you are never going to see her again, she lives on the other side of the country. I just can't stop thinking about her. Everywhere I go something reminds me of her. Even when one of my friends, Jason, Piper, Nico, and Thalia, say something smart. I always smile when I think about her, in fact I'm smiling right now, they always ask me "why are you smiling" I tell them "no reason". You are probably thinking that this girls my girlfriend, well she's not. I haven't seen her in three years, and I only knew her for one summer. But I wish she had been my girlfriend. If I had told her how I felt I might still see her now, she might not be in San Francisco. I'm so stupid, I see why she called me seaweed brain. "Percy?" I heard someone call out from the passenger seat. That's when I remembered I was driving Jason and Nico to school today. "Yeah" I replied to Jason. "You just passed Nico's house"
"Oh" I responded
"Ok, what were you thinking about?"
"We're you thinking about Bonnie Clark?" He asked.
"What?! Are you crazy, why would I think about her? If you haven't noticed she wears about 500 pounds of makeup! No thank you."
"Haha, yeah your right."
I turned around and went back to Nico's. We picked him up and drove back to school. I'd had a surprisingly good summer considering half the girls in my grade tried to stalk me the entire time. I went back to camp half-blood, it's this camp for kids really into Greek mythology, hoping annabeth might have come back this summer. She didn't. But Travis and Connor were there. So it was pretty cool. And it turns out 'Mr. I have a fake girlfriend'(Travis) really has a girlfriend, her names Katie she pretty cool, not my type though. Her and Travis are perfect for each other. Travis likes to pull pranks, and by pranks I mean pranks that would scar people for life, but Katie is level headed and (surprisingly) kept Travis from pulling such outrageous pranks. While Travis had Katie, Connor was still lonely and had no girlfriend, where as I want a girlfriend but the one I want lives on the other side of the country, and I haven't seen her in 3 years. when we got back to school we walked to our dorm room. My wall was covered in pictures of me and my friends. I still had a couple of pictures from that summer hanging on the wall, I'm surprised my friends haven't questioned me about her yet. On Jason's walls their were pictures of his mom, stepdad, sister and one of our best friends, Thalia, and of course his girlfriend. Who is also part of our group, piper. Then nico's wall is covered in pictures of the group and Thalia who happens to be his girlfriend. So yeah in our little group I'm the only single guy. But whatever I'm used to it. After we finish putting our clothes in the dressers we decide to go walk around campus, we ended up following Thalia and piper going gods know where. The they walked into the admissions building. Probably to give some new girl student a tour around campus. I caught a glimpse of the new girl, and she looked a lot like annabeth. Stop Percy your doing it again. And with that I started talking to Jason about what he did this summer. Which ended in a long boring story about him and piper.

Please comment and let me know what you think. Bye!

Remember when (a Percy Jackson fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant