Episode 9 - Girl Meets the Problem with Dating

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Maya learned in the seventh grade that Mr. Matthews worried the most about Riley dating Lucas, to the point where he had given her a cell phone just so she could send him messages about what the two of them were doing. He hadn't outright said it, but it was implied and she knew it. So every once and a while she'd send him a message, this is what going on... this is what they're talking about... don't worry too much.

Riley didn't know about this, it was the one thing that she had never told her best friend for life about because in the end Maya wanted someone to worry about her like that. Maya got her wish when her mother married Shawn, he worried and showed her that her mother worried as well. So when Riley took care of Maya's problems she didn't worry too much about it because it was Riley's way of helping her. So of course sending messages to Mr. Matthews was Maya's way of helping Riley.

Except she hadn't expected to keep doing it until the last year of high school, and she hadn't expected Josh to start helping her with it.

"I know my brother worries, it has a lot to do with Riley being born so close to when I was born, and how she was born right after September 11th, he worries too much," Josh said while they sat at a café not too far from the park that Riley and Lucas were having a picnic.

"What happened when you were born?" she asked not knowing the whole story and being curious about the guy she'd known almost all of her life, the one who she was falling deeply in love with.

"Well I almost died," he said with a sad look on his face that made her heart break just a little bit. "There were complications, and I was born premature... I'm amazed Shawn hasn't told you because he was there. He's a part of my family, him and his brother both, and in a way I'm the baby brother he never got to have even if we're not blood related and now he gives me the same look Cory gives Lucas."

Maya took him in her arms and hugged him tight, she realized at that moment that there could have been a million ways everything could have been different in their lives, but she was happy for the moment she had met Josh Matthews.

"You know I was under the impression that you were some hardcore bad girl, but I have a feeling that the older you get all there was... well it was just an act in a way."

"You're not allowed to tell anyone or I'll kick your ass," she said smiling.

Josh laughed before pulling away, "We're on recon today, but who said that this can't be a date," he smiled at her. "So if they notice us they'll just think it's a coincidence."

"That sounds like a plan," she said as the both went back to watching the couple across the street on a fall picnic. "You know I don't understand how they can have a picnic in November, it's cold out here."

"Well you know Riley she loves to do all kinds of things, plus if I had to think about it from Lucas's side in all of this well it just means more time to cuddle, I mean look at them," he said nodding his head towards the couple.

Maya watched as Riley snuggled up to Lucas's side and he put his arm around her, while all around them leaves fell in orange and red.

"They started dating in the fall, it could be why it's so special to them," Maya said smiling.

Josh took her hand in his and gently squeezed it, bringing her back to where she sat, she could have that, she could have it with Josh. Simple moments was all it took to make it real, and she hadn't even noticed how they were slowly making their way through her life.

"We started dating towards the end of winter so maybe we can do something then," he said pulling her hand towards his lips for a quick kiss. "Normal couple stuff."

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