Luke Hemmings+Liam Payne

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Not mine.

Luke can honestly not believe his luck. Seriously, a world fucking tour? Opening for One fucking Direction? In a band with his best fucking friends? Already having a decent fucking fan base? Somebody needs to fucking pinch him. Fuck. Fucking fuck fuck. This is the most incredible thing that's ever happened to him, like he's on a real actual tour bus right now, sleeping in a real actual bus bunk, soon to be on their way to Texas to play another real actual sold out show on the Take Me Home tour. Which, by the way, did he mention that they're opening for ONE DIRECTION? Like, the X-Factor boyband that took the world completely by storm and is now rallying their support behind a couple goofballs from Sydney. That One Direction. Holy shit. Okay, so Luke's definitely still totally star struck and overwhelmed by it all and he's totally more in love with being in this band than he thought he would be. Well, he knew he loved making and playing music obviously, but now that they're out here performing a set with original songs in front of thousands of screaming girls....yeah, he's definitely in love with being in this band.

Speaking of that, his band is making an awful lot of noise right now in the back lounge and Luke's exhausted from doing the show and running around all day before that and having to study for his school test since his mom wouldn't let him do this unless he promised to finish school on the road, so they need to shut up.

"Dude, can you guys shut up please?" He whines, poking his head out of his bunk and glaring at them.

His face goes a little red when he finds Niall and Harry staring back at him, Michael Calum and Ashton standing just behind them. They all chuckle at him and then Niall speaks up with a smile on his face. "Sorry Luke, you can sleep on our bus if you want. Louis and Zayn went out so it's just Liam there and he's probably asleep."

Luke nods, mouth hanging slightly open as he gets out of the bunk and grabs his phone, slipping on a shirt and some shoes before timidly exiting their bus and heading towards the first One Direction tour bus he sees. He knocks on the door of it when he reaches it, wondering if Liam really is asleep and then he'll be stranded out here and be forced to go back to his own bus and that'd just be embarrassing and-


Luke looks up to see a half-awake Liam standing in the open doorway, the older boy shirtless with his hair rumpled as he rubs his eyes. "Uh, hi Liam."

"Hi. You alright mate?" Liam wonders, scratching his shoulder lightly.

"Yeah, uhm Niall and Harry are on our bus and they were being really loud so Niall said I could come sleep here." Luke explains, face turning a light pink color as Liam smiles at him.

"Yeah sure, you can sleep on the couch in the back lounge. It's really soft." Liam offers, stepping aside to let Luke in.

"Thanks." Luke breathes, hurrying inside the bus as Liam shuts the door behind them.

He follows the older boy to the back of the bus, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room as Liam disappears for a few seconds and then returns with a pillow and blanket, handing them off to Luke. "You can use Niall's stuff since he kicked you out of your own bus."

Luke giggles quietly, putting the stuff on the couch and trying to be as discreet as possible when he totally checks Liam out while the older boy's back is turned as he's looking for the TV remote. He knows Liam's pretty open about his body so he probably wouldn't mind per say, but it's still most likely a little weird for Luke to be drooling over him. But let's be real, Liam Payne is obviously very attractive and very toned and very sweet and it's very hard for Luke to keep his cool around the 1D boys but especially Liam. He's just, Liam's just so warm and inviting and it oddly intimidates Luke in a way that he doesn't quite understand. Luke thinks it's the eyes, all big and chocolatey brown with thick black lashes fluttering every time he blinks and the crinkles by the side of them when Liam laughs and yeah, Luke's convinced that line in Little Things was written by Liam about himself. Hell, Luke's considered writing a song or two about Liam, could probably get a few just from staring at the boy's lips.

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