Chapter 3

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                              Sasha (POV)

After being stuck in traffic for 45 minutes, we finally made it to the nightclub.

"Crap! How are we going to find Sheamus?" Emma says anxiously as we entered. The club was huge. It wasn't what I expected but I liked it. It had an exotic feel to it.

"Jeez relax Emma, go take a shot or something!" I replied laughing.

"Found him." Dana says as she points to the other side of the nightclub. "And he has company with him."

"Oh is it Se-" I quickly got silent as I turned around and noticed Roman staring at me along with Dean with serious facial expressions.

"Well that was awkward." I said to myself.

"Um, I'll be right back." I said to the girls as I quickly walked to the restroom. Dana followed me.

"Oh my god, Sheamus is coming." Emma said nervously.

"Wait guys don't leave me alone with him. Please!" Emma shouted at us as we laughed and ignored her.

"Would it have killed you if you waved at them or at least smiled?" Dana asked angrily as we entered the restroom.

"I just... I just thought Seth was going to be here." I said

Dana sighed. "Look Sasha, we don't always get what we want. If he liked you back, he would have made it obvious already. There are a million guys out there. Who knows, you might find one tonight."

"I'm sorry I keep getting into my feelings." I replied.

"By the way, weren't Ambrose and Reigns staring at our boobs before we left?" I laughed.

Dana smiled.

As we headed back to our area, we noticed Sheamus, Roman & Dean talking to Emma. Roman had two extra drinks next to him.

"You better be nice." Dana whispered. "Who knows you two might hookup."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh my god Dana."

"Too soon?" Dana asked sarcastically.

Emma quickly noticed us walking towards her and the guys. She stared at us with devil eyes. I felt bad for leaving her but I wanted her and Sheamus to get to know each other.

Her feelings for Sheamus was similar to my feelings for Seth. Unfortunately it didn't work out on my end.

I quickly cleared my mind and greeted everyone, along with Dana. "Hey Roman, Hey Dean. How are you guys feeling after your matches?"

"I'm just happy my teeth aren't like Cesaro's right now." Dean replied.

"Well here's a toast to Cesaro and his teeth." Roman says as he hands me and Dana a glass of Ciroc.

"Cheers!" I said smiling at Roman as we both let out a little laugh which Dana quickly notices.

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