Both (Kinda)

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Your POV

Huh so (Y/P) (Put the one that you like most so say Bakura/ Melvin/Marik whatever.) "NOOO THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!" said (N/P) (The one you didn't choose.) "Hmm I have a little 'compromise' of sorts." I said thinking. 

"What is it?" They asked together. "You know that I have two forms correct? My Yami and my normal form." How about my normal form gets (Y/P) and my Yami gets (N/P).

(This makes good sense for those that like Bakura more since your Yami form is more crazy which makes perfect sense for a Yami You X Melvin/Marik.)

"I'm fine with that." Said (Y/P) "Alright fair enough so basically we are sharing you?" "Yup. Better than nothing." "True but first shall we send these idiots to the shadow realm?" I said my Yami form showing.

"Alright they said in unison as everything was being enveloped with shadows. "(Y/N)! This sin't you why are you doing this?" Cried Mokuba. "Cause screw the rules! I have money and power!" I said.

"How dare you make Mokuba sad!" said Kaiba. "What are you going to do about it?" I smugly replied. "I'll duel you." He said raising his duel disk. With this action all I did was laugh. "Are you serious!? You lost against Yugi who defeated you a million times and I defeated him more than twice!" I said laughing.

"I know full well of that, however to make it more fair you have to not use your god cards and that's it since I lost my god card." He replied. I just shrugged my shoulders and replied a yes, might as well have a last moment with him right?

Time Skip

"NOW I SUMMON MY BLUE EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON!!!" Said Kaiba. "I now have to end my turn but I still will win this duel." He said cockily.

Hmm. " I draw!" I exclaimed looking at my card. YES! It's DNA surgery! (This is the first time I'm using strategy XD) "Alright I place 3 face downs and a Kuriboh in defense mode! I now end my turn." I said. "HA! That's it? A fur ball? Well you certainly aren't my sister." He said.

"Blue Eyes attack her little fur ball!" "Not so fast!" I said. "What!?" "I use the magic card Multiply, giving me 5 more Kuribohs. (I'm doing this by how it really works in real life.) Then I use the trap card DNA surgery which allows me to turn my Kuribohs into dragon types, then I use the magic card Polymerization! This allows me to us one of my favorite card THE FIVE HEADED DRAGON!!!"

I looked over at Kaiba and his face was HILARIOUS!!! "What!?!" He yelled. "I might as well end you with a dragon right? You do love dragons so might as well make your final moments fun right?" I said smirking.

"Now my dragon attack his ultimate dragon!" I yelled. "NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO" Yelled Kaiba. (He had 500 life points left. 5,000 - 4,500 = 500) I saw as the shadows consumed him and Mokuba (Don't ask how/why)

"My little Yami." Said (N/P). "Oh shut up!" I said kissing him. 'Hey I never got to kiss Bakura!' 'Well too bad.' My Yami said. 'I better get to take control in like 10 minutes!' 


This was honestly very fun to write since I love Yu-Gi-Oh I might do one based on GX since the whole dorms and 'levels' make a very easy to write about.

Bakura X Reader X MarikWhere stories live. Discover now