Chapter 1-The beginning

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               Once upon a time, in a land far, far... Wait, what is this!! No, this is a story of survival a story of 5 teenager's surviving against the odds. My name is Brian Wells, my friends who are surviving along with me are Morgan Lead, Andy Spear,  Ariah Riez, and Ray Loom.We are in the 10th grade and through some horrible intervention of fate all of the girls here are  my best friends and like all of the boys, and I am going out with Andy. As you probably know we are in the  middle of a literal zombie apocalypse with little bugs that attach to your brain stem and slowly liquidate your brain leaving only motor skills and basic knowledge of your surroundings. Back on topic, we are leaving this note in the hopes that someone finds it and knows what happened, we all pitched in but I was nominated as the scribe. The following pages are my journal bits from what happened. Heads up, sounds weird but I wrote this as though it was actually happening, sorry if that's confusing. Okay, the rest is the different things that my friends had to say about how they would have written it if they had unfortunately been chosen as scribe. The chickens. Excuse the language we are all really stressed.

Andy: You need to listen we are in deep shit here and we need to know if anybody's still out there, we fucking need to know. Also knowing Brian she has forgotten to tell you how to contact us,and being honest I have absolutely no idea how to either. So let's hope Morgan knows.

Morgan: Yes,Andy I do remember and yes I will save your butt because that's just how nice I am. Whoever's reading this first you should know that Brian was really pissed at the fact that she has to leave our story here so make good use of it, please for all of  our precious lives, especially mine. We will come back and check the mailbox at 2204 Harrison Blvd sometime during the week unless we are suspicious so if you do leave something put the flag up. I am what you would fall the mother hen of the group, stop making that face Ray. You know it's true.

Ray: I was not making that much of face and I would say you are more bossy then mothering.But forget I ever said that and don't kill me and besides Brian is much more bossy than all of us.To whoever is reading this do know that I am pretty sure that we are all insane and you are not allowed to judge, no judgy. Oh yeah, and also the best ways to attack a zombie are just don't. Just don't even try we have,  and we even dissected one, well Brian did and it was disgusting but they are almost impossible to kill and if you were thinking about trying to save them forget it the very first thing that the bugs wipe out is memories and all the things that make that person a person there is no hope.NO HOPE!

Ariah: Oh stop being so dramatic Ray. Yes there is no hope for the taken to survive but we can.And we will or we'll be dead and we will no longer care. Anyway the one thing I want to tell you the person reading this is to keep running never stop. Survival is on you. Dun dun duuuun.

And back to me, jeez guys you are depressing ,ahem Ariah and Ray ahem. Moving on don't listen to these bozos or do, I know I d,o but I've known them for years and would mostly trust them with my life. I say mostly because of that incident with the stairs and Ray.I almost lost my life no joke but I mean really why would he put his foot where I might trip on it I mean why would he walk beside me. I am not a klutz why would you think I was an extremely clumsy person. Never mind. Just promise me one thing that you will enjoy this I had to fucking leave it behind, because," We have to leave behind our story for others."Even though it's just like any other story and your probably not going to believe us but oh well just freaking enjoy.

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