Chapter 4

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As I race up the hill towards the trail I begin to worry where did everyone else end up?Are there more, for lack of better words, zombified teachers?

My thoughts continue to race around and around in circles as I bolt up the hill I have run this trail so many times that it requires no conscious thought to run around each hair pin corner. I force my self to slow I know that the cliff is coming up soon and I want to make sure that Arren is right behind me as he falls to his death so I can ensure that he actually dies.

As I slow something collides with my back I go down as I force my lungs to remember how to breathe. Mr Arren seriously just chucked a rock at me. I pout for a moment that's going to bruise and I really wanted to make it out of this unscathed. Plus now I am more vulnerable to attack because I have a weak point of all things he could have thrown he chose a rock? Why a rock? There are sticks everywhere along with oh I don't know the ice that has frozen.

Encouraged by his act of violence I take off again moving slower because my lungs have not fully remastered the art of breathing. I throw my self around the corner narrowly missing going over the cliff myself. I was saved by my misleading thoughts I had completely forgotten that the trail was still iced over from the last snowfall.

I turn around and  watch as he goes over. It freaks me out to no end because he doesn't scream doesn't make a single sound as he plummets to his death. Muahaha my cravings can be satisfied in this persona . The FBI have failed at trying to curb my beings needs.  I mean yay I am no longer in any trouble. But is he really dead, that wasn't really hard.

I lean over the cliff being wary of the edge. Mr. Arren has just hit the bottom with a satisfying thud. I sigh one threat down hopefully more to go. Ugh I need to stop that. Ignore all of these mini rants they are just products of my morbid imagination.

As I watch my math teacher sits up and shakes his head. My eyes bulge he survived that ,no way. That's not possible . But before my eyes he stands up and stretches out his arms. He begins climbing his way up the side of the cliff. I don't think twice. I take off this trail let's out a block away from Morgan's house, let's hope that she went there. My luck she won't but I will at least be able to get some weapons, she doesn't know it but I have hidden several of my knives and two of my favorite swords at her house .

As I continue my run I constantly throw my glance behind me semi terrified that Mr. Arren or a clown will be following me. I say clown because on one fateful Halloween night many people lost their lives supposedly to a clown on this trail however I know otherwise and the FBI were never the wiser.

As the trail lets out I turn towards Morgan's please let her be there please please please. I quickly pick the pick on her door not bothering to search for her extra key. That she may not know that I realize it exists. But anywho I walk in and carefully inspect every inch of the house gosh darn it all the heck down of course she can't be here. I grab my favorite swords from inside her bed frame and 3 knives from behind her computer, inside a book that I know she'll never read, and from inside her makeup bag another thing that I am absolutely certain she will never open on her lifetime. She never will because of two reasons one because her super sensitive skin and two because in her words it is the work of the devil to produce facial altering tools and colorings. If you can't tell this is a very passionate subject for her.

Weaponed up and new change of clothes I head out into the unknown to hopefully discover the whereabouts of my poor friends.

Whoa Brian what is up with your drama you really need to chill and speak like a normal person. I mean really people might think you are a mass murderer or something.

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