Chapter 6

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Our fight rages on resulting in more bruises and several more broken ribs on both parties. I slowly come to realize what I'm doing. And because of that I fight all the more I have had to hold back my anger too much in the past couple of years. Because the stupid FBI said that they had no further use for my talents, so they gave me a fucking cover as a stupid high schooler that actually worries about grades and what people think of her. This is not fucking me. I am the Death Angel, the most feared serial killer in America's history. If my friends actually knew who I was they would shit their pants. Despite the stupid cover I actually love them but if they threatened my cover and thereby Andy's I would have to murder them. And it would kill me.

I push Andy down the stage steps and leap onto him not thinking of the fact that normal high schoolers would not be able to do that. Out of the corner of my eye I see my friends looking at me in terror. Andy connects with my jaw. I stop holding back and just pin his arms. He looks at me in surprise. I have always let him win no one needs to know just how strong I really am. I wait until I am certain that he is done fighting back then I lean down and kiss his cheek whispering, "I'll talk to you later act like you're not hurt."

I crawl off of him and ignoring my broken ribs I offer a helping hand up.

Pause, I know that sounds outlandish but you have no idea what I've been through to me a few broken ribs is nothing.

As Andy gets up I notice him wincing. He is not used to broken ribs and he can't ignore the pain as well as me.

We stand together and face our friends, their faces are ones of horror and that's when it hits me. I glance at Andy's back and I have to hold back from swearing his gang tat is showing. The gang we were in had a reputation for umm violence. It was completely unfounded most of the time. The only people we killed deserved it but anyway.

I take a step forward trying to calm them down and Morgan pushes Ariah and Ray behind her. Ouch that hurts. I stop moving forward knowing that I am now viewed as a threat and Morgan will not hesitate to attack now and I don't want to hurt her. I opt for trying to talk to her, "Morgan you know me ,you know I would never hurt you and the same goes for Andy. You've known us for 2 years do you really think we would ever do anything to hurt you. We've protected you and you do not even know the risks we took to make sure you never even remotely knew the danger that we were forced to put you in. You've always wondered why we hate the government so fucking much. Well I'll tell you wh..."

Andy interrupts me, " Brian watch what you say."

I scream back," No Andy! They deserve to know, we've kept them in the dark way too long. They need to know why we act the way we fucking do. You know exactly what I mean."

He opens his mouth to add something and I continue," Don't even try to talk me out of this because you will fail and I will do something that I will regret and you may not live to see my regret."

The look on his face is one of absolute terror. I take a deep breath trying to calm down so everyone stays in one piece.

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