Chapter two-Actual Beginning

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I sit up straight panting hard as fleeting images of clowns disappear. I hate this the fact that everybody is disappearing is causing my brain to come up with terrible reasons why they're gone. I glance at my alarm clock once I calm down it reads 8:25. That causes me to bolt out of bed I'm late for school. This is a miracle for me as I am not,in any way shape or form a morning person. I get dressed and I head upstairs calling out to my mom that I'm leaving I hear no response. I stop, she always responds,always she tells me it's her way of assuring us she will respond in every situation. Back from my sidetrack I head into the living room and proceed to scour the house top to bottom she isn't there. I reach for my phone to call someone and stop short forgetting that I broke my phone yesterday.

I groan ,until the stupid incident with concrete steps again yesterday I had not realized just how much I was on my phone and felt that I needed it and how dependent I have become on it. I quickly realize that this is not going to help anything. I rush out the door and bolt toward the school building for the first time in my entire life.

I slam into the push open doors and end up on my butt. As I sit there on the concrete my head spinning. Why would the doors not be open?Why,why,why? I hear an ear piercing scream and I get up. I glance around fear growing and then I remember, Andy's ringer is that horrid scream. I flip around to find him standing behind smiling. I tackle him and he stops laughing and lands on the concrete with an umph. I scream at him,"Why would you do that?I have no idea where my parents or brother is and you thinks it's funny to fucking play your ringer in my ear?!!!!!!!" 

His face is one of pain he speaks," I can't find Cassandra, she's only 3. You know that. She's been missing for two weeks now. She has no hope." 

For the first time since I met him two years ago, he starts outright crying. We lay there just holding each other until we are calmed down. This is yet another first we are the ones at the school that everybody is scared of, which by the the way is completely unbased. Anyway we head into the school and it is eerily quiet. We split up to search and as I turn the corner into the girls locker room Ariah leaps out at me causing me to screech and punch her. My mind registers who she is and I begin to apologise profusely. I reach down to help her up and she latches onto my legs pulling me down next to her. 

I  just sit there out of breath as she cackles evilly. I "accidentally" kick her as I stand up. I glare down at her as she holds up her hand asking for help up. I stare at it and just walk over her.  I say," Henry and parents are missing help me search the school."

She gives a sigh of understanding and slowly gets up and follows me. I groan does she not understand that the whole premise of searching is to go a different direction to search in all directions. I turn around and snap,"Go a different direction and look."

She glances at my face, and seeing the murder on my face, she turns around and hightails it to the back. I continue my search through the school, as I am about to give up I hear a this and I jump. I flip around to see Ray on the ground and Morgan with a mischievous look on her face and an innocent smile. Of course even though everyone is missing Morgan will stay play around and mess with Ray. And before you begin to try filling in the blanks, stop there. Morgan is asexual, no joke she has never liked anyone. Well except Argon, but that is besides the point.

Ray scrambles to get up shooting Morgan a killing look. I sigh this is usual but I am really not in the mood to deal with their riff raff right now, Morgan sense this and asks," Where is everyone else?" 

I answer," I know that Ray and Ariah are somewhere in the school, and they may have found somebody, but  Henry and my parents are missing. What about you?"

"I woke up this morning to an empty house," Ray opens his mouth to answer and Morgan continues, "Same as Ray."

"Okay lets find out where everybody else went and go from there ."

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