Chapter three- encounter

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Morgan,Ray , and I begin to wander aimlessly through the hallways trying to find everybody else,ahem Andy and Ariah ahem. I am more worried about finding Ariah Andy can handle himself but Ariah is the baby of the group hands down. She is a curious depressing two year old, with a dirty mind. I here a piercing screech and instead of jumping I relax and turn around finding Andy and Ariah very pleased with themselves for terrifying Ray and slightly scared for pissing off Morgan yet again. I swear they both have a death wish

I hear something move from behind me without turning around I say, Ray quit it. I sigh and when I look at my friend's I realize Ray is on the ground and all of them have a look of warriness. I  flip around pulling out my knife as it finally guts that there is somebody else in the building with us Andy flips toward our back and pulls out his knife. Together we will protect the rest. I do a quick scan of our surroundings not finding anything. "We need to find a room we can protect easier any ideas?"

I shout back at Andy,"Let's head to the Art room then if worst comes to worst it's big enough to sleep in and there are no windows "

I don't listen to a response and begin to walk toward the end of the hallway knowing Andy will watch our backs. We are 50 feet from the art room when we see the teacher. I feel Morgan relax and come up behind me,"Brian put it down it's just Mr. Arren,"  she whispers to me and then she shouts,"Hi Mr. Arren you scared us do you know where everybody else is."

I don't get my guard down if it really was Mr. Arren he would have made a joke about how ridiculous we are acting already. He begins to walk toward us but it is not like him he has a slow graceful walk and he is marching like a soldier. Morgan seems to notice too but being the loud mouth she is she asks,"Are you okay?"

When he still doesn't respond that's enough for me. I scream the over cliched  statement,"RUN!!!!"

We all take off toward the front exit I force myself to slow and make sure everybody else is safe. I slow to a jog and take a quick count everybody's doing fine. Then I see Ariah trip I bolt toward her and practically throw her up. She gets the hint and takes off around double her previous speed. I take off after her. I get outside and realize my blunder all of us have taken off in different directions I don't even see Ariah anymore. Crap. I take off toward the main road. It used to be the most dangerous but in the last month less and less people have been around to drive on it so there is no fear of getting hit.

I glance behind me, thinking just how cliche has this moment become?, and see Mr. Arren in close pursuit of me despite this the only thing I feel is relief that he is following me instead of Ariah or Andy. Thinking quickly the perfect plan comes to me I will lead him up Indian Paint trail, if you have never been on it before and are running you are sure to miss the cliff turn and end up at the bottom of a 150 foot drop.

I quickly turn down Washington Blvd and begin leading my old math teacher up the mountain to his doom.

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