Chapter 5

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I decide to check out Morgan and I's old elementary school for some reason she always felt very comfortable there. It is a common rule of thumb that if she isn't home she is mostly likely at Canyon Road Elementary home of the, wait for it friendly cactus . Can you think of a worse mascot for a school? Anywho back on topic.

I reach the front door and push it open it's unlocked so someone is in here, key word someone. Holding a throwing knife in one hand I pick my way carefully among the broken glass and wooden chair remnants. I begin to search through the classrooms going through the ones for the little kids first making sure no babies were left behind when shit hit the fan.

I can breathe easier once i don't find anybody, namely children at the same time that I am beginning to get even more stressed where the crap did Morgan go?

I turn into the lunchroom or multipurpose gym/ lunchroom thing, whatever the heck you want to call it and am promptly smacked in the chest hard enough to knock me on my bed. I spring up and swing my legs under my attacker knocking them to the ground. I get my bearings and look at who is now laying on the ground attempting to breathe. I groan, I have hurt another of my friends I really need to stop doing this. I lean down and help Morgan up. I mumble, " One down three more to go."

Morgan retorts, "I already know where they are. They are behind the stage, I was voted to meet you, the only person we don't know where they are is Andy, but I assume you know where he is you always do."

" Really mom? You could have been nicer about that and yes I do know where he is."

I smile as she asks, "Where?"

I count down in my head 3...2...1...

Morgan screeches as Andy tackles her. I realized that he was following me as soon as I entered the gym area. I feel so stupid for not realizing that of course he would follow me, he would enjoy watching me get stressed over the fact that I couldn't find anyone. Andy springs up as soon as Morgan begins to kick. He jumps away quickly. I don't blame him, Morgan hits hard.

He hugs me from behind. And I smile.

That's when I hear scrambling from the stage. I shake my head of course Ariah and Ray can;t stay quiet. What if we had been "zombified"? They would be dead right now. I pull away and begin to stomp up the huge stage steps, trying to get my temper under control. If I don't they will end up dead, nothing I could do would prevent that.

By the time I reach the main stage area my temper has cooled to the point of normal people's annoyance. I go to the backstage area and am extremely surprised to see the two passionately making out. My temper flares, they need to pay more attention I begin to storm forward when Andy grabs my arm. I fight back they need to realize how stupid they are being. When he doesn't let go I kick him. Within moments it is a full-blown fight. And I am not backing down. He won't either it's not in our personalities to back down. In our lives that means death.

I punch him hard enough to break two ribs and then he knocks me to my butt. I kick him again and again neither of us slowing down.

Teenage apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now