Chapter 7

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As I take deep breaths I glance at my friends again they haven't relaxed one little bit. I don't blame them. I sit down and begin my story...

I  had just turned 15 and completed my first kill as a member of Muertos. We, my gang family and I were sitting down celebrating, when the door was broken down. By this point we were all either drunk or high. I had just finished up a bottle of whiskey, so I was moving slow. The FBI burst in and all of us who weren't passed out either got up and fought or ran out the back door. I was cocky, I thought that I could take at least one of them out before I turned tail. I had been trained by the best fighters in the family. I began to fight sluggishly, I killed three and was fighting another before I was tackled and cuffed.

Still I fought I was not going down without a fight.  eventually they pinned me down and cuffed my feet as well. They kicked me until they were certain I wasn't going anywhere. By this point Andy was down as well as most of the rest of the family. When they got us all cuffed they pulled us into a line. They started at on end, they would bend down and ask the person a question. After the person answered, perhaps with a few hits to loosen their tongue they were shot. Every single one,I was close to the other end. When all of their attention was diverted I slipped the bobby pin I kept in my pocket for this express purpose and got to work on the cuffs, As soon as I was free, I kept silent and unmoving as I worked on Andy's cuffs. His were soon off, I got the person, Ramirez, on the other side of me. 

I quietly count down from three knowing the two would follow me at one. As soon as I began to say one we sprung up, to the best of our drunken ability and sprinted to the door. I heard a gunshot and saw Ramirez drop. My training kicked in and all I thought was run. A second gunshot went off and part of the wall to the side of us exploded. Andy and I made it out the door before slowing to a halt. Of course they had agents outside waiting for someone to escape. 

They raised their guns and we dropped to the ground, beginning to commando crawl away. I heard a hiss and a gas bomb of some sort landed next to us. The next thing I know is darkness everywhere.

When I woke up I was tied to a chair with FBI agents surrounding me, and a massive headache. Despite the situation I smiled and laughed, "It takes 10 agents to guard 1 teenage girl, who is tied to a chair and has a massive hangover?" 

I wasn't expecting an answer and didn't get one. Some hours later the door to the room creaked open and the head honcho,agent-in-charge, stormed in. He came to a stop in front of me and said," You killed three of my best agents and put a fourth in the hospital. You are 15, care to explain how this is possible?" 

I gave him a look that said,"You really think I am going to tell you."

Then he continued, "It doesn't matter, I'm giving you a choice become an assassin for the FBI or we kill your little brother."

I laughed and said, "Your information's out of date, my brother has been dead for three years and six days."

He looked taken back as I continue laughing, what idiot of and FBI agent thinks that even though I have been missing for 5 years I don't know whats happening in my family? He quickly regained his composure and changed his threat," Then we'll kill your boyfriend, Andy is it?"

That shut me up let me tell you I quickly agreed and was from that point on I was a hired killer for the FBI. 

I have killed 569 people on the FBI's call including the most recent president and 2 vice-presidents. After three years I was told that the new President was close to discovering mine and Andy's existence so we were put into a witness protection of sorts. We were given covers as nerdy highschoolers and we have stuck with it for the last two years. During my time working for the FBI I ended up developing an extreme blood lust. I have had to keep that hidden for two years. 

One last thing, we were not supposed to grow comfortable in our covers. But that didn't happen it doesn't matter that we are 20 now but you guys are still our best friends and new family.

I wrap up my story and look at their faces more closely than I had during the story. They seem to be in shock and Andy has his face in his hands waiting for the aftermath of our story.  I can't say I blame him.

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