Want to Hang Out?

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Dave's p.o.v.

For the rest of the week, some of my friends asked me where I got my black eye from, and why my hand was bandaged and hiding under my sleeve. My closest friends didn't ask me, because they already knew. They would silently comfort me, and not make a scene. I didn't see Karkat at all. I asked Terezi where he usually is during his periods, but I was too nervous to search for him. Apparently, he has the same lunch as me. But during that week I still didn't see him.

Eridan slowed down this week with hurting me, probably to wait until I heal so he can have more room to hurt me more. Occasionally he would do the usual, pinching me until I bleed, pushing me, stealing my food. But he mostly threw virbal slurs at me and looked pleased to see my bruised eye. I didn't tell him who it was from, though.

On Thursday he did something weird.

When I was in the bathroom and washing my hands, he came up behind me and bit my ear really hard. I cussed and pushed him away. His fist automatically connected with my cheek and I fell on the floor. He was quick on his feet to grab my waist and dig his nails in. I groaned and he smiled.

"Your skin is so soft." He whispered in my ear. I felt disgusted and pushed him off of me. I made my way for the door but he snatched my wrist. I looked back and saw his lips touch my skin.

I tensed up. "What the fuck?!" I yelled at him. He didn't stop. He kissed my wrist, making me want to vomit. Then he swirled his tongue on my skin and bit down. "FUCKING HELL!" I screamed at him and kicked his face. "I'm NOT a fucking doll!" I yelled out as I ran out of the bathroom.

Now it is Friday and I am slumped over a table at lunch. Terezi, John, and Jade are getting lunch but I don't have much of an appetite.

I looked across the food court to see a troll walking to get a fork. He had a black jacket and gray sweater on. My eyes widened and I kind of panicked. What do I do?! I want to talk to him, but I don't know how. I straighted my shoulders and stood up.

Karkat's p.o.v.:

I grabbed a plastic fork for my salad and I turned around. I saw a figure stride up to me with shades on. The red hoodie caught my eye and right away I saw Dave. Oh god. Instand regret filled my chest and I turned away and walked out of the court. He followed behind me.

"Karkat." He said lowly.

I kept on walking, finding anywhere to escape to. I found a secluded area in the outdoor campus and rounded a corner, hoping to loose him.

I jolted when I saw him curve around too. His eyes met up with mine and instantly I gasped. His right ear had some dried blood on it, his eye that I punched was a deep purple, and his left cheek was purple too.

"Karkat." He said again.

I held onto his arms and looked around him. "Are you alright?! You looked worse than the last time I saw you." I picked up his other hand that wasn't burned and saw a bite mark. "What the fuck?!"

He drew back his hand and put it on the wall I was leaning against, blocking me in. "Karkat." He said once again.

"What." I said back.

"I'm alright." Dave said. I opened my mouth to protest but he put a soft finger to it. Then he gestured to his eye. "Doesn't even hurt anymore."

I sat there not saying anything. He continued, "Look, I just wanted to apologize, alright? You did a shit ton for me and I never repaid you."

"You don't need to, Dave."

He shook his head. The distance between us was very thin, and it made my face heat up. "I want to." Dave said to me. "I want to... I want to know what you think of me."

What? "What?" I asked.

"I want to know what you think of me. Any normal person would bring me to the hospital and not help me any further. But you did." Dave looked down, his eyes getting dull. "What made you do that?"

To be honest, I've never really looked into it. "I, uh..." I stammered. Why am I so nervous. "I had a strive to help you. Like... I had a feeling that... Uh, maybe you might mean something to me later on I don't know. Maybe I really wanted your friendship." What am I saying?

"Yea?" Dave shrugged. "I mean, I think you are a pretty interesting person yourself."

"Couldn't stop staring at me either." I joked. His face flushed a little and he scowled.

"Well, I can't help that you're attractive." He said flat out.

Just like that.

Both of ours eyes widened and my face started to flush even more. He looked shocked that the words came out of his mouth. "I, uh." He said. "Yeah, what? I don't know." He chuckled awkwardly and my lips wobbled to a small smile.

"I'm sorry for punching you." I said, changing the subject. He sighed in relief too.

"Well, I'm sorry dismissing your help." He scratched the back of his neck. "You are good at driving my car."

Well that is good news. I looked down at his bandaged hand and forearm. "Can I see it?"  I asked him. He nodded and shyly unwounded the bandage. I had a clear veiw of his burns that were now starting scar. I nodded. "They are healing good, do you let it air out during the afternoon?"

"Not really, am I supposed to do that?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, just not for too long."

He nodded too and smiled down at me. My eyes widened when I saw his straight white teeth gleam at me. Wow.

"Do you want to do something this weekend?" I asked boldly.

His expression changed slightly and his smile faded a little. "Um, sure, maybe."

"You can come to my hive if you want, I got movies."

He took out his phone and handed it to me. "I'll see if I can, add your address and text me when."

I smiled a little and typed in my address into his phone and handed it back at him. We stood there, kind of silent for a moment.  The silence felt oddly nice. I was glad that the tension between us has been lifted somewhat.

I lifted my hand to his face and lightly brushed my thumb on the purple circle around his eye. "That better go away soon, it doesn't look good on you."

His expression changed once again, but it changed to something I've never seen before. It was mixed with happiness and a twinge of sadness. "I'm glad you think that way, someone else says otherwise."

I decided not to ask who, and stayed content with the fact that I made him happy.

An Unspoken Thing [Davekat] Where stories live. Discover now