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Dave's p.o.v.

My arms ached as we carried Eridan into my car. I hopped into the drivers seat and Karkat got into the passenger, turning his head toward me. Our eyes connected and he looked me over with that familiar concern. "Don't worry, I can drive." I put my hand to my stomach. "If my stitches didn't stop me from carrying Eridan, then they won't stop me from driving a car."

"Say what now?" Sollux said as he climbed into the back, moving Eridan's legs. "Stitches?"

Karkat turned his torso around. "Who said you were coming?"

"First of all, ow. Second, aren't I a witness too?"

I looked at Karkat. "He has a point, he saw me getting choked."

"Holy shit you were being choked?! That son of a-" Karkat began but I cut him off by turning on the ignition.

"I'll explain it at the station." I said, propping my phone on the dash with google maps. "For now, sit back and relax." I moved the gear and backed out of my parking space, taking down the parking pass that was on my front window. I turned the gear again and sped down the parking to the school entrance before driving down the main road to the station.

In the back, Sollux kept his eyes on Eridan's lifeless face while I drove, Karkat's arm wresting under the door's window. He would look out of it, watching the lights of cars spilling on the blurred street as I drove on by them.

"This is going to be over soon." Karkat mumbled under the music. "I can feel it under my fingers, this crazy storm will be gone soon."

I nodded, pressing my lips together. I looked up at the sky to see it blanketed with gray clouds. "It's funny because I like storms."

Thunder groaned quietly and Karkat tensed in his seat. "I sure as hell don't."


"Well you kids look like a mess." Detective Daniel said to us, watching us stumble in carrying Eridan. "Oh man, a highblood too?"

"Yep." I replied quickly, grimacing at Eridan's weight under my arms.

We carried him into an interrogation room and dropped him into a steel chair, a lethargic groan emitting from Eridan's mouth. "Dave is in some deep shit, but soon this douche is going to be even deeper." Karkat sighed, shaking his arms.

"Wha..." Eridan muttered and lolled his head to one side, his eyelids still closed but his eyes moving a little.

A woman wearing a clean-cut blazer and glasses entered the doorway, holding a clipboard. "Mr. Strider? Come with me, we will have to go through forensics."

"Didn't you guys keep the record of my last look-over?"

She laughed a little. "Well, that wasn't the Forensics unit, that was just Daniel. You were too tired to go through the full evaluation." She moved her head to the side, ushering me to follow her. "Come on."

I started to follow her out of the room when Karkat followed behind me, desperate to get the woman's attention. "Can I please come with?"

She turned around and her eyes bounced between us. "Uh... Er- I can only allow people of close relations to the victum to accompany-"

"I'm his- I'm his boyfriend." Karkat said, and my face flared up red.

I nodded my head, my neck feeling like metal. "Yeah- he is my boyfriend. Please, can he come? He has already seen my- er- before."

She looked between us and nodded, not giving the slightest reaction which was a relief. "Sure, follow me."

We followed her through a series of hallways before reaching a room that looked like an Urgent Care room. A weight stand stood against the wall, and a row of cabinets stood next to it. In the middle of the room was a chair and a bed with a light fixed over it.

"We aren't going to have you lay down, don't worry." she said and gestured me to stand in the middle of the room. Karkat stood back and stood against the wall, watching me. "Take off your clothes except for your underwear of course."

I hesitated and took off my shirt, revealing my countless scars on my torso and arms, my bruises, and the bandaged gash on my abdomen. I slid off my jeans to show my pale legs not bearing as much carnage, but the occasional scar here and there from my bro. She inspected my body, taking pictures and writing down notes. I described all of my most recent ones and who they were from, and tried my best to remember the older ones. Sometimes I forget those days because they all felt the same.

I put my clothes back on and walked out of the room, shivering. Karkat held my hand and kissed it, warming me up and causing a sheepish smile to spread on my face.

We made it back to the interrogation room where Sollux stood out, looking through the window. His expression looked crudely entertained, watching a now fully cognitive and angered Eridan thrashing in his chair. His hands were handcuffed to the arm rests and his hair was slung over his face.

"Check this out." Sollux said, pressing his finger to the glass. "The guy's been saying the same shit. Kind of creepy."

I moved closer to the glass, looking off to the side to see a "two way mirror" sign on the wall. So he can't see us?

Eridan thrashed in his chair as Detective Daniel had his hands on the table, stooping over him. The forensics woman walked up next to me and crossed her arms. "He is good at his job, I've never seen him crack. That's why that justice-fanatic loves to watch him so much. That troll girl is crazy about learning investigation cases."

I looked over at the woman. "Is her name Terezi?"

"Yeah. Friend of yours?"

I nodded, looking back at the window. "Yeah." I said. Eridan continued to throw his body around violently, his face flushed with rage.

Among the incoherent slurs and yelling, I heard a repeated sentence that sent me chills. "I didn't do anything! He did it! He did it to me! He did it! He did it to me! He is the one who made me fall in love, he is the one, he is the one!"

An Unspoken Thing [Davekat] Where stories live. Discover now