I Guess We Are Doing This

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Dave's p.o.v.

"So, I'm going to come with you to your apartment, call the police in advance, and attempt to knock out your brother?" Karkat tenses up. "I don't know, Dave. Sounds pretty fucking dangerous to me. You said he has a katana and everything."

Me and him were in my car in the school's parking lot, the sun coming through the front window, making us squint. My fingers picked on the threads in the seat, and I could tell he was nervous too.

I reached next to my leg and pulled out my katana from the side of my seat. It's long gomai welded blade shined in the light. "I got one too." I smirked at Karkat.

His eyes were wide, and his gaze was stuck on my sword. "Wow..."


He looked back at me. "That's so fucking sexy."

My face starts to burn bright red and I quickly set down my katana on my lap and avoid Karkat's gaze. "Well, uh, that's cool." I said in a chopped up sentence.

I hear Karkat move next to me in his seat, his voice sounds closer. "What, did I really spook you that much?"

"No." I said flatly. "Plus, I might not even look sexy when I fight my bro. I might get my ass kicked. But as I'm getting my ass kicked, that's when you hit him in the back of the head with something. I don't know what that something is yet."

Karkat reaches over my seat and puts a hand on my chest. My face is still red as hell, and I shiver under his touch. "Sounds fine by me. Just... Don't get your ass kicked too much." His warm hand snakes up my chest and around my neck. "I kind of need it." He says and his eyelids fall down. He comes closer to my face, and I think he is about to kiss me, but instead he goes to my neck.

My breath hitches when his soft lips touch my skin. His hand strokes the back of my neck as his lips kiss up and down the side of it. Without thinking, my left hand holds his waist as his tongue softly runs on my neck. Then he starts to suck on my skin and I gasp.

Karkat hums as he gives me a hickey, and I bite my bottom lip to refrain from moaning. Geez, all this. What if my bro really does kick my ass, and the plan goes wrong? Then I really won't look sexy. Karkat's chest presses against mine and he sucks harder. My body goes limp.

A whimpering moan escapes my mouth and Karkat sucks even harder. My neck starts to ache with the pain he is giving me, but it brings me a strange type of pleasure. His teeth graze my skin and I hold him closer to me. "Karkat..." I murmur.

His body moves into me and his teeth bite down on my skin, making me gasp and latch onto him. He licks and kisses the bite, running his hands through my hair. He moves away from my neck and he inspects the hickey he made. "Oh wow, it looks pretty good. That will do the trick in getting his full attention."

I jump in my seat. "Karkat! All that was for the plan?!"

He looks down at me, cocking an eyebrow. "Well, it is a good distraction for him, isn't it?"

"Well, yeah! But you totally just had me in the spot there." I pouted.

He moved back to his seat and buckles in his seatbelt. "Yeah, and you fucking loved it." He  starts to mimick my moan. "Ah~ Karkat...!"

"Shut up!" I snapped, my face heating up by the minute.

"Hey, woah, it's okay. Just letting you know,  you sounded so sexy." Karkat joked, poking my arm.


We pulled up to my apartment building and parked in a parking space. We got out of the car and looked across the street to see a couple of kids playing baseball. My brain lit up when I saw a wooden bat, and I ran over to them. "Hey, uh, can we use your bat? You might not get it back in a while, but we really need it. You see, we are going to fight some crime and-"

"Okay, whatever, take it." The kid groaned and handed me her bat. I thanked her and ran back to Karkat, katana in one hand and a baseball bat in the other.

"You look like a goof." Karkat laughed.

I smiled and gestured to his phone. "Can you start calling the cops? Tell them to wait a little bit before arriving so we have enough time to knock him out."

"I don't think it works like that, they will come as fast as they can either way."

I sighed. "Okay, I guess we will call them after we knock him out."  He nodded and we made our way up the elevator.

Once we reached the room number, I gestured Karkat to wait outside of the door. The plan is, is that he will be watching through the peep hole and wait until I have my bro in a position that his back is facing the door so Karkat has a swift and easy shot.

Karkat held my hand tight and I kissed his cheek. "I will try my best not to get my ass whooped."

I unlocked the door, walked into the apartment, and shut it behind me. I made sure the key was in the lock, but I didn't lock it.

"I'm home." I said cautiously, holding my katana tightly to my side.

Just like clockwork, bro was by my side. His breath cloaked my ear and his hand was on my shoulder. "Turn around for me, Dave."

I did what I was told, my grip on my sword was firm. He inspected the hickey and he looked disgusted. "Is this from the troll?"


His eyes stayed glued to it, and his hand pushed me back. My bro's back was turned to the door, and over his shoulder I could see the door slowly open. My bro took out his katana and struck down on me, but I was quick to block his strike. His fist hit my gut, making me gasp in pain.

"I told you not to do that shit." He seethed. His katana headed straight for me, and I hit his blade away with mine, guiding it to his neck. "You disgust me. Your eyes, your fucking love for a troll. Why couldn't you just date your friend, Jade, or some shit?!"

I glared. "Uh, no?? Jade is my friend. Don't try to set me up with people just so you can stay satisfied with me. I frankly don't give a fuck if I disappoint you, Karkat makes me happy." His katana struck again, but I didn't block it in time. It cut my stomach. Searing pain ran through me and I grunted.

I saw the bat fly up into the air above my bro's head from the corner of my eye. I didn't look at it dead on or else it would keep my bro on gaurd. Karkat slammed the wooden bat's barrel on my bro's head as hard as he could. He automatically fell straight to the ground, his eyes closed and his face limp.

Karkat hit his head two more times before I held my hand out to stop him. "It's enough, he's out cold." I told him.

"He cut you!" He whimpered. "He cut your stomach!"

Realization kicked into me and I clutched my stomach to slow down the bleeding. I fumbled for my phone and dialed 911.

"What's your emergency."

I swallowed my spit and tried to regulate my breathing, but my words were still shaking. "I-I been cut by a sword. I am..." I started to hyperventilate. The words I wanted to say were too hard to hear.

"You are what? Sir, please explain so we can get you help."

I gripped onto Karkat's hand and swallowed again. "I am a victim of domestic violence, I have - I have him here- he is passed out please come quick before he wakes up- he- h- he is beyond dangerous."

"Okay we have help on the way along with an ambulance. We will be there in 2 minutes." Then they hung up.

Karkat rubbed my shoulder. "Stay with me, okay? Don't close your eyes. I will get some towels to help the bleeding." he ran to the kitchen and grabbed some of the towels that were hanging on the handle of the oven. He put them on my stomach and held it down, his hands over mine. "Stay with me, okay? Don't close those damn eyes, Strider."

An Unspoken Thing [Davekat] Where stories live. Discover now