Movie Night

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Karkat's p.o.v.

On Saturday, I got a text from Dave telling me that he can spend the night over here. While I waited for him to arrive, I cleaned up the hive a bit. Kankri told me earlier that he is going to be at Porrim's hive for the night, and I crossed my fingers that he would not come home until Dave is gone tomorrow morning. Kankri... Isn't the best when it comes to my human friends. He lectures a lot about the relations and shit like that.

I fixed up my bed and cleaned the kitchen. I jumped a little when I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it to see Dave dressed in black jeans, a gray shirt and a red hoodie. He had his shades on like always. It was a little weird given the fact that the sun isn't completely out anymore.

"Hey." I said. "Uh, come in." I stepped aside and let him walk into the room where the TV and couch were.

Dave looked around, his eyebrows raised. "Nice house you got here."

"Hive." I corrected him.

We both sat on the couch and he laughed. "Same, same." He said, and I turned on the TV to the DVD player which had one of my favorite romcoms on it, which also conveniently had an action-packed plot. The movie was called, 'wherein numerous vigilantes confront peril; one of them betrays the others; (but it turns out to be part of the plan all along);  several attractive female leads provoke romantic tension; four major characters wear unusual hats; one holds plot-critical secret;  47 on-screen explosions, one resulting in demise of key-adversary; 6 to 20 lines that could be construed as humorous; ... And then the title goes on.

The screen flicked to the movie cover and the title on the bottom, accompanied with the 'start', 'behind the scenes', and 'chapters' sections.

"Woah, damn." Dave said next to me. "That, Is the movie title? Man, I can't even look at it, it's spoiling the whole movie."

I waved my hand out lazily. "Your human movie's have such vague titles that barely explain what it is about. Titles like 'Magic Mike' Didn't explain the plot as well as you did when you texted me. If I didn't know what it was about, or the sequence of events, I would ask myself, 'what is so fucking magical about mike? Why the fuck is his name mike?'"

"That's why we have commercials that show us some of the scenes of the movie so we can kind of get the idea. The whole point of it is to figure out the plot yourself."

I frowned. "Well then that's stupid."

For the duration of the movie, I occasionally looked over to my right to see Dave's unchanging expression that was clearly confused. When the movie ended, the menu screen came back up and he breathed out slowly. "That was... Uh." He said slowly. "That sure was different. The quadrants will never cease to confuse me, but on the brighter side, troll movie productions are actually pretty good, if not a little out of hand."

"Out of hand my ass." I spat. "Just be greatful I showed you that beauty... How about we watch Magic Mike? You told me it is really good."

Dave chuckled next to me. "Are you serious?"

"Well, why not? You told me it is pretty wholesome." I narrowed my gaze. "Right?"

"I guess you will see for yourself." Dave looked around my TV. "Do you have a roku or something? Anything to hook up Netflix to?"

I shook my head. "I don't know what a fucking roku is."

Dave sat back down and took out his phone. He went to his netflix app and typed in Magic Mike. "We will just watch it here then." He said. He gestured me to sit next to him and I scooted over so that both of our bodies were touching side by side.

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