I Don't Care

130 5 13

Dave's p.o.v.


My eyes stared lifelessly at the clock on Karkat's bedside table. His arms were wrapped around my shirtless torso, and his warmpth on me was so satisfying. All night we stayed up talking and watching some of Terezi's detective shows. Consequentially, I am here, waking up 34 minutes after the time I am supposed to go home.

The realization of how fucked I am hits me, and I shoot up, knocking Karkat's arms off of me and the blood in my head rushes down, making me fall back down on the pillow.

"Fucking hell." Karkat grunted. I felt his arms move under me. "You totally slammed my arms, get up doofus."

I moved my body over and slowly sat up, freeing Karkat's arms. I slipped on my shoes and put on my shirt. I heard the blanket move and I turned around. Karkat's hair was standing in odd ends, and his eyes were dim with tiredness.

"I'm really sorry, I'm running late." I told him. "I have to go. Thanks for the sleepover dude."

He nodded. "Yeah, I haven't had someone spend the night in a while, it was pretty fun." His eyes lazily opened a little more as he watched me stand up from his bed. "Dave."

I turned around. "Huh?"

"Be careful around your bro, okay? Take care of yourself." Karkat said to me softly.

I smiled and nodded to him. "Thank you." I said and this time he didn't punch me. I turned around and walked to the doorway and then I stopped. Turning around, I looked at Karkat still sitting with his body wrapped up in a blanket, his sweater lopsided. His hair was still messy and his expression was still sleepy-happy. I quickly rushed over to him, bent over, and pecked his lips. I earned a brighter smile from him-which is a rare sight to see- and ran out of his room with my jacket under my arm.

I drove all the way to my apartment building with my grin still plastered on my face. When I got out of my car, I took my katana with me and put it in my belt loop. I stuck my hands in my pockets as I rode the elevator, whistling a tune of a song. When I made it to the apartment number, I felt the number's engraving with my thumb. This might be my last chance to feel this before my thumb is whacked off, heck. That thought then made me smile. At least I kissed Karkat.  I chuckled to myself and unlocked the door, my other hand gripping the handle of my katana.

Opening the door, I pulled the blade from my belt loop and shut it behind me, my eyes darting around. There was no one in sight, but I felt eyes on me. I walked out into the kitchen, passing by the countertops littered with ninja stars and cherry bombs.

Air passed by me and I gripped my katana, spinning around. Lil Cal slumped on the counter, his stitched limbs sprawled out lazily. His plastic eyes stared out and gave me a sickening feeling. Cal wasn't there before, my bro must have moved him. I used to get a kick out of my bro's antics whenever he moved Cal around when I was 13, but I'm 17 now. Why is he pulling this again? All this because I came home later than he said?

"Bro, look." I said to nothing. "I'm sorry for coming home late, me and Rose lost track of time and went to bed late."

"You weren't at Rose's house, were you?" A cold blade was held under my jaw and I felt a hot breath on the back of my neck.

My whole body tensed up, and the grip I had on my katana's handle tightened. "I was."

His face came over my shoulder, and his lips were next to my ear. "Then why didn't I see your car in her driveway?"

Why did you look? "We went out to get Pizza Hut."

"Alright, but I am not going to let the fact that you are late slide." He says and I quickly lift my blade to his and push it away from my neck.

I turned around with the tip of my blade facing towards him. He came at me and struck the air, but I twisted my body to the side and dodged his katana. His foot collided with my chest and I coughed out, stumbling back. I saw his blade swipe in front of my face, but I moved backward just in time for it to only graze my cheek. The sting on my skin made me scowl, and I swiped my katana in his direction.

He dodged me too, and I angrily swiped again. "Getting excited, are we?" He mocked.

"I don't care anymore!" I yelled and spun in a direction that caught him off gaurd. I dipped low as I spun, and my blade cut through his jeans.

He growled in frustration. "Fuck!" He hissed and slammed the butt of his katana in my back, making me gasp out in pain. I collapsed on the floor and rolled onto my back. He came down on me, stradling his legs on me and his blade at my neck again.

"You cut my leg." He seethed and I looked up at him in raging fear.

I narrowed my gaze at him. "You know what, bro?"


"I wasn't at Rose's house." His expression didn't change, so I continued. "I was at a troll's house. His name is Karkat. I spent the night there. We watched movies, we ate junk food, and we slept." I lifted my chin closer to him and grinned. "I slept in his bed."

My bro lifted the blade away from my neck and set it on the floor next to my head. His hand grabbed my jaw and he looked down at me. "You disappoint me." Then both of his hands grabbed my neck and squeezed it. I gasped, feeling the pressure in my throat build up. I couldn't yell because my vocal chords were blocked. The only sounds I could make were gags. The blood in my head started to build up and my arms desperately scrambled up his body, grasping on his shirt and beating his chest.

His eyes were sick. My lungs ached from oxygen. He let go of me.

I rolled over and coughed out on the floor, and he picked up his katana and walked back into his room. I stumbled up, my breathing trying to stable itself. I looked over at Lil Cal and glared at him.

I spit on Lil Cal and flicked him off.

Then I went to my room with a huge grin.

An Unspoken Thing [Davekat] Where stories live. Discover now