Chapter 47 - Sloth

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One more chapter and an epilogue after this. Posting as soon as they're written, sorry about any typos or lacking quality. Feel free to point them out <3


Chapter 47 - Sloth


The plan was set, their one chance slipping away with the seconds. 

All traces of nausea had vanished from Athira's body since her transformation, leaving her feeling steady and somewhat calm despite Karma's best efforts to unbalance her. She felt strong, even with the colour racing unchecked around her system and streaming off her body. 

The strangest thing was the tail, the fifth limb sprouting from the base of her spine. It seemed to have an instinctive mind of its own, flaring and settling at its own whims. Everything else seemed to be cosmetic or somewhat designed for inflicting pain--the spines, the horns, the hardened glinting skin she suspected could withstand blows that would usually shatter bones. 

Athira curled her fists in front of her, noting the extended surface over her knuckles. 

Rathe had made her, and she was going to make sure he regretted it, one way or another. 

"Sleepers are getting closer," said Shift behind her, chewing his lip. 

Athira felt bad about dropping the Spectrum thing on him, but she'd never had a good bedside manner. Facts were facts and no sugar coating was going to change the heart of the matter. 

Although, she admitted. I'm glad Shift is here to help me fight Rathe. I wouldn't want anyone else. 

She paused, expecting Talon to reply before she caught sight of him overhead, staring her down with a clear, black eye. 

A pang of something she couldn't identify--fear?-- hit her. She felt alone in the vast, dangerous landscape of her mind even though Shift and Zoe stood barely a metre away. Rathe was approaching the forefront, demanding attention as the fragment of his self that lived in her sensed Sloth's awakening. He was reaching for the small isle of refuge her consciousness resided on, grasping at the door that would let him into reality. 

Raph, colour formed a long red staff to his hands. "We'll hold them off while you three put Sloth down." 

"You won't hurt them," said Reader. "Only the Spectrum can--"

"We don't have to," said Raph. "We just have to distract them, slow them down long enough to buy you some time. They aren't immune to being knocked back."

"Anyone else notice how they all seem to be coming straight for us?" said Shift. 

With Rathe riled up in her mindscape, Athira already knew why. 

"They're coming for me," she said. "They're attracted to Rathe's presence. I'm like a tunnel, the link between Thols and wherever the poor planet that Rathe's trapped inside."

"And they're running for the entrance of that tunnel," said Raph. He gave his staff a few experimental twirls. "Makes our job easier if they're focused on you. Talia, Kione, let's go!" 

Kione ran after Raph, Talia soon after with one final glare in Athira's direction. 

"That's going to be a problem later," she heard Shift mutter. 

"Indeed," said Reader. "You're lucky I was able to damage control." He and Shift stared at each other, deadpan until Reader lifted his lips into a false smile. "You're welcome." 

"Are you going to help them, or are you just going to stand around and watch like purple colours usually do?" Shift asked him. 

Reader pursed his lips. "I'm far from your usual purple, Shift. I take great pride in honing my body as well as my mind. For Athira, I will assist the cause." 

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