Brendon: D.A.L.L.O.N.

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I just got back from the hospital a couple days ago. I'm working on getting my bags unpacked when I here a knock at the door. I open the door and see Pete. "Hey what's up Pete?" I ask.

"I normally wouldn't bother you with something like this but this guy I ran into, I just couldn't ignore him. So I'm just going to ask you one quick question," Pete says as he pulls his phone from his pocket. He shows me a picture then asks If that's the guy that saved me from jumping off the building.

I look at the picture. I'm in shock. It's the man from my dreams. The guy that saved me even though I didn't want to be at the time. "What's his name?" I ask. "Dallon. Is he the guy that saved you?" Pete asks. I nod my head.

"Come inside," I say, opening my door wider for Pete to enter. "What did he want?" I ask nervously. "He wants to thank you," Pete says.

"Why does he want to thank me?" I ask. I'm so confused. I thought he would've hated me. I mean I hate me. I was such a dick and all he wanted to do was help.

"I'll let him tell you why. I'm meeting him at the studio tomorrow around 10:00 am. You can come with to hear what he has to say or you don't have to come and I'll tell him that you don't want to talk to him," Pete says.

"No, I'm coming. Um so do you want like a beer or something, or are you leaving?" I ask. "I can stick around. So how are you doing?" Pete asks. "I don't know but for some odd reason I've been feeling better," I say. That is a lie though. I know exactly why I feel better. Jesus what's wrong with me. I don't even know the guy but he has this strange affect on me.

Pete ends up getting too drunk to drive home so he decides to stay the night at my place. I on the other hand only had about half a can. I don't want to be hung over when I meet Dallon tomorrow. Oh my god I love his name. Dallon. I could get used to saying it everyday.

What's happening to me. I think I may have had to much to drink. I lay down in bed. I already know what I'm going to dream about. This time I'll know his name though.

The next morning Pete shakes me awake. "Come on get up Beebo we're going to be late," Pete says. I open my eye and look at the clock it's 9:43 am. Crap! I don't want to be late but I also want to look good for Dallon.

I throw on a pair of black skinny jean, a black button up shirt, and a black leather jacket. I can't look too nice. Heck he probably won't even care how I look. I style my hair then me and Pete drive to the studio. It's a little past ten but Pete says he might wait for us.

I'm crossing my fingers. As we get to the front door of the lobby I look around and spot him right away. He's tall and handsome mmm. I can't think like this. We walk up to Dallon. Pete says that he's going to leave us alone so we can talk.

"So um Dallon wanna go for a walk?" I ask nervously. "Sure," He says. His voice is beautiful. "So Pete said that you wanted to talk to me?" I ask. "Uh yeah. I just wanted to say thank you," he says. I stare at him confused.

"Let me explain. When I was thirteen I told my parents that I thought I was born into the wrong body. I felt like a guy. I hated the skin I was in. My parents didn't except. They kicked me out. I was homeless for five years until I was brought into this home that would use us as sex objects. I don't remember my entire stay there but I remember we had a strict schedule and if we broke it we would get beaten," Dallon pauses, "God why am I telling you this you probably don't care."

"No I do please finish," I say. "Okay, well when I turned 21 they didn't need me anymore. Let me remind you I still had all my female parts at the time. I was having terrible dysphoria. So I got a job here in Vegas at one of the casino's. I used all my money on my surgeries. Then one day I got a knock on my apartment door. Someone handed me a letter saying my parents died in a car crash and I inherited millions.

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