Brendon: C.H.A.N.G.E.

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*So I'm changing up the style of this story for a little bit. I have a lot of drama planned for these next few chapters and I'm planning to write a second story explaining what's happening in these next few chapters. Now we shall continue*

A lot has changed in the past year. A lot that I don't even know how to explain.

There was a lot of tension between me and Dallon, both sexual and not. It wasn't until we got really drunk one night that me and Dallon hooked up again.

When I woke up that morning Dallon wasn't there. I heard a guitar being played. I got dressed and walked downstairs.

Dallon was playing my bass guitar. I had no idea he could play. My band was missing a bass player. I couldn't believe what I was about do.

I asked him to join my band. He started to stay the night at my place. Well he stayed every night.

I was teaching him the parts so he had them ready for tour. I grew so close to him those couple weeks at my place.

Nobody had known about the things me and Dallon did. When the tour started everything was going fine.

Until it wasn't. No one is really to blame for what happened. I think it was just the pressure of all the fame.

I think it was the social media aspect of fame that turned us against each other.

All I know is that whatever happens this next year I will never stop loving Dallon James Weekes.

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