Chapter 1: My Final Year

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Hi there! My name is Aphmau. At the moment, I'm in my final year of attending Phoenix Drop High. It's an amazing school filled with so many amazing people! Despite the jerks.. like certain people. But, anyways, It is currently the fifteenth of February, with yesterday being Valentine's Day. It was a pretty basic day for most students, especially for the ones were single. I saw a couple of people come in and hand their dates roses and heart balloons and whatnot. It was adorable, especially when Kawaii~Chan would squeal every time she saw a couple together. After waking up tired on that Wednesday morning, with my Mom having to roll me out of bed, I did my usual stuff. I fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, and changed my clothes. As I walked to school with my girlfriends, Katelyn, Luka, and Kawaii~Chan, we just talked and joked about how Katelyn and Luka spent so much time together yesterday, practically leaving us all alone. Katelyn only got mad and blushed as we did. But Luka calmed her down. 

I swear, every time she was successful in lowering Katelyn's temper, I always thought that she was like a Lion tamer taming a lion. A very savage one. As we made it to the school, I scanned the outside area and the entrance hallways as I took note of all the familiar faces I would hopefully soon see again when I'm shipped off to College, which is not too far from now; in about seven months, I would be going to Fire-Claw University! I wonder what it will be like I would always ask myself. My thought was quickly knocked out as someone had bumped into me, knocking me onto the floor along with my thoughts. "Watch where you're going, shorty!" a voice snarled. I looked up to see, to my dismay, Aiden and his stupid posse again. "I could say the same to you, Aiden," Lukas replied back, clearly down with his crap. "Could you please quit it with the pointless bullying? It's getting annoying." Aiden just glared at him and kept walking, leading his two pals Gill and Mia with him. 

"I'm so sorry about him, at this point, he's just a lost cause; there's not much I can do to change him," Lukas says as he pulls me back up. "It's fine. At least you're the only one that's sane and isn't a jerk in your group." I say. "Tell me about it." he chuckles. "Anyway, I gotta get to class. These guys have already kept me from leaving long enough. Later, Aphmau!" "Bye, Lukas!" I waved back as he disappeared into another hallway. "Aph, are you sure you can keep dealing with Aiden for that long?" Katelyn asks. "If I were you, I'd say screw it and immediately go and kick him right in his-" "Katelyn, calm down," Luka said, interrupting her rant mid-way. Katelyn paused for a moment and soon inhaled and exhaled. Which is something Luka has been teaching her as a couping mechanism to control her temper. which has been seen with great results lately! "Sorry, sorry. It's just that he shouldn't keep treating Aph like that!" frustratingly replied Katelyn. 

"Katelyn, like I said, it's fine! You act like I haven't already been dealing with his crap for a year and a half now." I reminded. "Alright, alright," Katelyn faintly sighed. "Well, I gotta' get to class. So, bye girls!" Luka said as she strolled away.  "Same here. Later, Aph!" Katelyn said. "Later Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan said. "Bye, guys!" I said. So then, I walked over to my first class of the day, which was werewolf class. For those who are wondering, no, I, myself, am not a werewolf. It's a long story, but, to shorten the history, I, at first, thought I was put into this class by accident. But, I soon learned that it was because of my Mom. Ever since that day, I am still apart of the class because I wanted to know and learn more about them. Speaking of which, I am also their leader, or 'alpha female', as they say. It took some time to get used to it, but here I am now. I've even made some werewolf friends, like Daniel, Blaze, Dottie, and Rylan. On the topic of Daniel, ever since Aaron, the former alpha male of the pack, left Phoenix for College two years ago, Daniel was placed as the new alpha male, thankfully after Ein was expelled from here. 

After some passing minutes, the class had ended as I made my towards my most favorite period of all time; writing class. I have developed a hobby of reading, drawing, and writing ever since I took this class. "Good morning class! Time for attendance!" announced Mr. Jefferson. This was something that would happen every day. The teacher would say 'Good morning, class!', ask for attendance, and then move on to the lessons; the usual class routine. "Sir. Francis Minor?" he began. "Here, and please call me Sir. France." corrected the guy in the front of the class. He had blonde hair and wore a fancy looking navy blue jacket, even if his outfit disobeyed the school's uniform code. Just by looking at him he seemed like your typical snobby 'rich kid'. Which is probably why he gets to ignore the uniform rule while we still have to. Prevladged cuck... I muttered in my head. "Edd Gould?" "Here!" responded another guy with brown hair. "Angel Hart?" "Here." unenthusiastically replied a girl which I don't think I've ever seen before until now. 

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