Chapter 9: Demon Troubles

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So after I left my last period, I went to my locker to pick up my things. "Hey Aph" Katelyn says, walking up to me. "Hey Katelyn" I respond back. "Hey Aph, have you slipped on ink at all today?" She asks me. "Well, no. But Daniel and Tom have" I say. "That's weird. I've been seeing a couple of people constantly slipping and falling ever since we left lunch. And they would all have ink under their shoes once they got back up" Katelyn continues. "I know right? That's really weird" Luka says. That's when I began to think. Why is it always ink? Wait a minute.. were they doing this? No. Of course they wouldn't try and do this. Right? As we were walking back down to the boiler room, we were also checking if anyone was watching us. We opened the door to see Boris sitting on a chair next to a wooden table, Alice whistling to a tune from her music, and Bendy lying on the concrete and inky floor. "Oh, hey guys!" Bendy says, standing up straight as he noticed our entry. "Uh.. hey Bendy, can I ask you something?" I begin. 

"Yeeeeeah?" He responds back, now having a cheeky smile. "Were you messing with students today?" I ask him. "Maaaaayyyyybe" He says. "Bendy, you aren't supposed to do that. You could get caught!" I try to explain. "Of course we know that. We don't have to be reminded that all the time," Bendy says. "But I decided to have a bit of fun and mess with some kids because it's so boring in here! There's nothing to do but walk around, sleep, or play cards" He says, using his thumb to point at Boris with a deck right next to him on the wooden table. "I understand that, but still, you can't just go around tripping people. That isn't okay" I say. "Alright fine" He agrees. "Alright, so Luka, it's your turn today, right?" I ask. "Yeah, alright. Let's go, guys" Luka says as she pulls out the box she would always bring with her. But just as Boris was about to step into the box, we heard something hit the ground. We all spun our heads around to see Travis standing there. 

He had dropped his phone with his eyes widened. Confused by all belief by what he was seeing. That's when Bendy gasped and quickly sunk into his ink puddles and ran straight for him. That's when he grabbed his leg and tried to pull him downwards. He was pulling him into the ink. And it was working. Travis was slowly sinking into the ink-like quicksand. He tried to grab onto the door, but he couldn't for long. We then raced over and tried to tug him away. Thanks to Katelyn's strength, we just barely managed to help him out. His entire lower half was drenched in thick ink. "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING O-" Travis tried to cry out. But that's when Katelyn head butted him and knocked him out. "Katelyn! Why did you do that?" Luka asks, frightened. "Because I didn't know what else to do! He wouldn't shut up!" Katelyn argued. That's when Bendy reincarnated into his physical form and had a look of panic and worry. "Bendy, why did you try and drown Travis!?" Luka asks him, now noticing him. 

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. I didn't know who he was, so I acted quickly so he wouldn't run off and expose us" Bendy tries to explain. With my heart still pounding a bit, I felt bad. Now realizing that I forgot to discus what to do if someone found them. "Alright.. uh.. why don't one of you watch outside of the room and if you see anyone that isn't us, quickly hide in your ink and wait for them to leave" I try to think. "But there's still ink everywhere. What if they tell the principal about this room?" Kawaii~Chan asks. She was right. "Wait a minute. I think I have an idea!" Luka says. "What is it?" Katelyn asks. "What if you use the ink machine to block the door and make up some sort of secret knock or password to tell if it's us?" Luka suggests. "Kawaii~Chan thinks that's a great idea!" She says. "So.. now that we got that problem out of the way, what about this one?" Bendy asks, pointing at the knocked out Travis. "That's easy. Just tell him that this was all a dream" Katelyn says. 

"But.. what about his clothes?" Luka asks. She was right. What are we supposed to do about his ink covered pants? "Uh.. why don't we just give him gym shorts of something?" Katelyn says. We had no other option, so we agreed. Since Katelyn was the only one who conveniently had an extra pair of gym shorts on her, she handed them over. But now for the next task, who would have to do it? "I'm not taking off his pants" Katelyn says, crossing her arms. "None of us want to," Luka says. "Just make it quick so we can get this over with" Luka continues, trying to convince Katelyn. "Ugh. Fine!" Katelyn give's in. So as she quickly changed his pants, we had to tug him out of the room, while also trying to not get anymore ink on him. Bendy and the others got into Luka's box as we left the basement. And as soon as we did, he started to groan. He was waking up. "Ugh.. what.. what happened?" Travis mumbles. "You fell asleep on the floor" Katelyn instantly says. 

"Again? But whoa.. I had the strangest dream," He continues. "You guys were in it.. and we were in some weird room filled with black water and this short devil.. or munchkin tried pulling me into the floor". "Wow, that's one bizarre dream you had there" Katelyn sarcastically says, pulling him up from the ground. "I know, right? This is definitely not the dream I would want if it had you girls" He says as he begins walking out of the school. "Who is he calling "Munchkin"!?" I heard Bendy yell from inside Luka's backpack. "Shh!" Luka says to him. So after that mess of a incident, we continued our way back home. Since it was the weekend now, we decided to go to the mall. Speaking of weekend, we've been trying to teach Bendy, Alice, and Boris everything about what our world has. We've shown him images and videos of our technology, the things that have happened in history, and pretty much anything they wanted to know. They were baffled by everything we showed them. 

It was like showing future stuff to a kid from the past, but this time, it wouldn't affect anything. We've told them if they would be okay if we left them home while we left to the mall tomorrow, but they said they wanted to come with us. As much as we would love to as an opportunity to let them actually experience more than our rooms and the school's basement, we couldn't. What if we made a mistake or what if they wandered off? What if someone saw them? They promised that they wouldn't leave or cause any trouble if they came. It took a bit of thinking, but eventually, we agreed. So tomorrow, they would be seeing the real world. The big wide world that was beyond the walls. 

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