Chapter 11: Use Your Head

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Well then, this might seem a bit strange. Remember how yesterday I said how I wished times like these were as convenient as cartoons? Well, let's just say that my prayers have been answered. Today, Sunday the nineteenth of February, posters have been going up saying how a Fun-Fair was opening at the park. Eeeek!! I love fairs! They're always so bright, colorful, full of games and overall fun times. This was not only a chance to win some more plushies, I could also introduce them to how we host Fun-Fairs in the real world. I put on the best, but still casual, clothes I had at the moment. Which was a purple sweater sprinkled with stars, white shorts, and my cat boots. As I explained to the three how our carnival's looked like compared to theirs, they were super astonished and puzzled with some certain differences here and there. Bendy had mentioned that inside his amusement park, called Bendy Land, it has a grand carousel that has a face inside of it that twirled around Bendy carts around him.

They called it "Bertie's Journey", named after the creator of the ride and the amusement park, Bertrum Piedmont. It was also based off the nickname that Joey Drew gave him during production of said park. Although I already knew that since, well.. I created this story, I still was amazed to hear that existed along side them as well. I wonder how Bertie would look in the real world. Probably awesome! Anyways, once I got dressed, I let my Mom know where'd I be. She agreed, fortunately. But she did say I had to be back by six O'clock or sooner. That would be a perfect time to agree on since that's usually when the sun begins to set. I waited on the side walk for the others to arrive. In the meantime, I brainstormed how I would let the three play and look around, but also stay in hiding. I knew it wasn't fair for us to have all the fun, but I still didn't want them to be seen. I asked them for insight, but they didn't have a clue. "How clueless are people in this world? Not trying to be rude" He says.

"It's perfectly fine. But, in most cases, humans don't pick up on certain things. But, they are able to acknowledge things that aren't.. them" I tried to explain. "Like, for example, if you were to walk around normally, people would instantly dart their eyes towards you and.. well.. they wouldn't think an ink person is very normal". "Wow. Why do humans operate like that? That's total hooey!" Bendy rants. That's when he chuckled. "Heh. But, then again, the whole 'darting eyes' thing does remind me 'bout something that happens every day in the studio". "What is it, Bendy?" Boris asks. "You 'member the repair guy, Wally Franks, right?" Bendy says, still giggling. "Yeah, why?" Alice asks. "What's funny is how every time Susie'd walk into the room, he'd practically come into a complete halt just to take in the sight of her strutting down the hall. I saw him in the act with my own eyes. Afterword, he told me that: "If you tell anyone about this, I'm outta' here!",".

"I just chuckled to myself as he carried on with what he was doing. Still brings me to tears when I think about it. Probably choke the hell outta' me if I spill a peep!" Bendy laughs. We laughed, but not Alice. I guess that sort of thing just doesn't phase her. Anyways, after Bendy got that out of his system, the gals finally came. They were dressed too. "You guys ready?" Luka asked. "Sure am!" I said. "We are!" Bendy said, popping out of my backpack. "That's great, but.. have we figured out how to bring them?" Katelyn concernedly asked. "Not entirely.. but I bet we can think of a plan as we get there" I say. "Kawaii~Chan hopes so" She says. So as we walked, we thought about any ideas, while Bendy talked to them about his life in the past. Luke thought of the idea of maybe giving them clothes to look like people, but then they were entirely ink, so not only would it drench the clothes, I don't think anyone would be fooled by a person with a large snout and a head that's detached from their body and horns that form into his head. Just saying.

Then Kawaii~Chan suggested that we don't do anything and let them walk around. It's a 'Fun-Fair', so no one will probably notice them too much. As much as I appreciated her way of letting them have fun too, I didn't think they'd get fair like that. But that's when I realized that we've been thinking for so long, I didn't realize that the fair was now standing on the other side of the street. And we still didn't have an idea. A good one, that is. As Bendy was looking around, he then tapped my shoulder and was pointing at something. He was pointing at a family with two kids walking out of the gate entrance. They had animal paint covering their faces. "Hold on a hot second," Bendy said. "If those kids are able to wear painted faces on them and people are fine with it, what if you say we're wearing masks?". "I don't think that'd be believable" I said. "We at least have to give it a try, right?" Boris said. "I know, but if they don't let us in, things could turn south fast. We won't be able to get in and you'll get caught".

"Kawaii~Chan agrees with Boris. We should give it a try" She says. "Kawaii~Chan, Aph is right, though. If this doesn't work, that's really the end of the road. And I don't want all this hard work to go to waste" Luke disagrees. "Well, we're out of ideas. Let's just pray to God that this goes in our favor" Katelyn says. As baffled as I was to hear Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan wanting to risk it all, I sort of wanted to agree as well. But I didn't know if this would work. "You guys got running shoes just incase?" Katelyn asks. "Encase of what?" Bendy asks. "Nothing. Just incase we need to book it" She says. She then began to walk across the street. We slowly followed. When we crossed, she stopped. "Let them out" She said. I zipped my backpack open as they walked out of the box. "Are you sure that'll work?" Worried Alice. "I hope so. Just smile and don't freak out. Stay cool" She says. We walked up to the booth to enter. Thankfully, the fee for admin tickets where cheap. Once we stood in front of the booth, the lady turned around to greet us.

She had blonde hair in many curls, pale skin, and amber eyes. She then obviously noticed the three. Or two since Bendy couldn't be seen due to his height. "Seven tickets, please" I said, showing off a smile. "Seven?" She asked, confused but in a light manner. She perched out to see if anyone else was there and then noticed the little demon. He looked back up showing off his beaming smile, but also nervous. "Aww, you look so cute! Seven tickets coming up!" She said. She twirled her swivel chair to grab our tickets. "Here you go! That'll be $7.35" She says. I paid for the tickets as we walked through the entrance bars. Once out of sight, Bendy's smile disappeared as he groaned. "Blondes, am I right?" Katelyn jokes. "Who does that skirt think she is? I'm not cute!". "Oh, C'mon buddy. It was just a compliment. You're actin' like you've never been called 'cute' before," Boris says. "Shoot, I mean Alice calls you cute all the time, and you've never gottin' heated". "Dry up!" Bendy orders, with fluster all over his white face.

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