Chapter 5: Birth Of A Demon

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The next morning, I got ready for school and ate some breakfast. When I went back to my room to grab my backpack, I then remembered about having to put the pages into the empty book. As I placed them into the bookcase and was about to reach for some glue, I then jumped as I suddenly heard a snapping sound. I darted my head towards wherever the sound came from. Turns out, it came from the book. When I slowly peeped at the bookcase by the sides to see what caused it, I realized that the once detached pages were now instantly connected into the bookcase; the pages had snapped together to finish the book. I was confused, at first, as to how this happened without any glue or tape or anything. As weird as it was, at least that meant I didn't have to waste time. But, as I was about to open the book again to see it in all of its glory, I looked at my phone to see that I didn't have time to do that. As I walked to school, I could only think about my story again. 

Joey, Henry, Norman, Sammy, Wally, Susie, and the other characters had so many interesting traits that I still didn't know how I even thought of them! They just... came to me one night and I instantly decided to make this a reality. Was it instinct? A feeling? I wouldn't know. But, I thank whatever it was. After I finally made it to school, I wasted no time making it to Werewolf class.  Math went by pretty okay for once. Miss Toriel made sure of that, anyway. My brain wasn't hurting as much with her here. Afterward, it was lunch. Dottie, Rylan, Blaze, Daniel, and I talked about things like the obvious schedule eruption during the recent years here. It was something that almost half the students here were going through. Some got used to the shifts. Others.. not so much. I'm somewhat in between with the school's constant shifts. I know they're gonna happen eventually during the weeks, and get used to it. But, even so, I still don't like them. On the topic of school, another thing the school's been talking about is the upcoming transfer student event. 

It's where transferred students come here during school hours to have a tour around the building and see if they would like to learn and be educated here. I find it as a chance to meet new people and help 'em get used to here. But then, there are the bullies. I overheard some talk about how it's a chance to find 'fresh meat'. Mainly from either generic jerkwads or from Aiden and his posse. After lunch period was over, I made my way to writing class. But, as I was making my way there, I then heard lockers being bashed in another hallway. Sadly, I instantly knew who was causing them. And I'm not proud of it. How ironic that the moment I mention them, here they are, disturbing the peace here, once again. It was Aiden and his group, yet again, harassing students to do their homework for them. Those lazy, good for nothing cretins. And, usually, their highest ideal target was Stampy, Kai's cousin. I wish there was something I could do to stop this. But, even reporting them to the dean wouldn't be an option. 

Cause, once someone reports them, they stop for a while, but that's only because they're too busy planning on causing serious pain to them, like serial killers plotting on how to murder someone. And they never turn out good. It would even take them days or weeks for them to plan it. Just so they can do it 'justice'. At least for me, I had to accept the punishment for the crime they pinned on me, which means I should be off their list, for the moment. But, anyway, as I walked into class, we did the roll call and carried on with today's lesson. Today, we all had to watch a video that featured popular story writers talking about how imagination and creativity could be the concoctions to creating a great story. It had Dav Pilkey, R.L. Stine, Jeff Kinney, and a few others that I couldn't remember. I guess I only remembered these guys cause of how iconic they were to my childhood due to their stories. It was really inspirational to watch towards me and I could only imagine what I could write. 

Once the bell rang, we left and moved to our next few class periods. After the day was done, I walked up all the way to the third floor and made my way up the staircase that leads to the basketball field on the roof, which, yes, we have now. I guess the school was either too lazy or couldn't afford to make more pavement for a new basketball court, so they decided to just move it all the way up here. Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and Luka have asked me to meet them up here. So, of course, I agreed to cause, they're my friends, obviously. I also agreed to come because I was so eager to show them my finished book. As I walked closer to the field, I saw the three sitting and chatting on the bleachers. I waved to them to get their attention. They noticed and waved back. Kawaii~Chan ran up to me and hugged me. She was always the hyper and happy one of the group. That's what made her stand out, and also why I like her. "Hey, Aphmau!" Luka says. "Hey, Luka." I say back. "Hi, Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan greets with her cheerful smile.  

"Hey, Kawaii~Chan!" I said back to her. "So Aph, did you bring your book?" Katelyn asks. "Yup! Hopefully, you guys will like it." I say. "After hearing about your performance in writing, I bet we will" Katelyn compliments. I then walked over next to Katelyn and plopped my backpack on the bleacher seat to unzip my backpack. Once opened, I grabbed the book and showed it to the others. "Wow, it looks so.. authentic. So, you said this casing came with the typewriter?" Katelyn asked as she held the book. "Yup, I guess whoever left it there wanted the next user to put it to use." I thought. "I can get by that. But, what I can't let slide is the reason why it has a little lock" Luka said as she titled the book my way to present to me a lock I don't think I noticed before.  "Huh? I don't remember seeing that there" I say. Seeing as the latch was a tinted a little bit with gold, how did I not notice it? Was I too blinded by the book magically piecing together with the pages? "Do you have a key for it?" Katelyn asks. 

"I'm not sure." I say. I looked back into my backpack to find nothing. But, when I brought out the briefcase and opened it, I then realized that there was a little grey pouch that I guess was sitting under the bookcase. When I untied it, out came a little black key. Okay, I don't remember that being there, either. Maybe I'm going blind, or something I thought. When I grabbed the key and used it on the lock, it worked as the lock opened and came off the book. But, when I was about to open the book, I felt a weird gust of wind go through me. But, I could tell it wasn't the wind, though. Wind doesn't casually go right through you. "Come on, what are we waiting for? Open the book!" Luka says, noticing my sudden pause. "O-Oh, right! Sorry" I say in embarrassment. The clouds above us were now shifting into grey. Everything felt.. ominous, now that I notice it. Stop it, Aphmau! Stop distracting yourself! I tell myself in my head. Pushing all thoughts and concerns away, I then opened the book. 

And, almost on cue, all four of us were immediately blasted away with a giant gust of light and wind. I had dropped the book, due to the sudden pressure blowing me away, right before I hit the basketball pole behind me with a painful thud. I winced in pain when I made contact with the metal beam. But, thankfully, I could still slowly get up. I heard the same response from Luka, Kawaii~Chan, and Katelyn as they either landed on the concrete flooring or hit the bleachers. When the gust of wind stopped, we took the chance and got back up. After groaning from the pain, we looked back in the direction of the wind, and saw the book, lying on the floor wide open. But, what stood next to the book made us all gasp, and shocked me to the bone. 

Ho-How... How is th-this.. possible!?

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