Chapter 10: Sightseeing

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"So Luka, did you bring 'em?" Katelyn asks her as we were walking towards the mall. "Of course I did. It's hard to forget them when they try to wake you up early cause they're so eager to leave. Not only did I get woken up at six O' clock in the morning, but now my bed sheets are covered in ink cause Bendy thought it'd be a good idea to launch himself on me as an option!" Luka yells. "Sorry!" We heard Bendy say in the backpack that Luka had. We all just laughed at Luka's misfortune cause that's just what best friends do: Laugh at each other's pity! "Are we there yet?" Boris asks. "Almost, guys!" I say back. After a few more moments of walking, we finally arrived at our destination. There were a bunch of people walking in and out of the building while chattering with either friends, family, partners, or to a phone. "What's going on?" Bendy yells, trying to be heard above the chatting. "Shh! No one can hear you!" I quickly tell him. As we entered we tried to let them see for at least a moment. 

Luka took off her backpack and opened it and the box just a bit so they could get a glimpse of our world. We heard them awe by what they were seeing. There were a bunch of people walking around the place, a fountain in the middle, tons of shops to choose from for shopping purposes, and the restaurant on the second floor. "Holy mackerel!" Alice says. "I've never seen so many people in one place before. Not sense we left the studio!" Boris pitches in. "What are all these people doing here?" Bendy asks. "For many reasons. Either to shop, hang out with their friends, or.. I don't know" I explain. "Golly.." Bendy awes. "Well, since it's still still morning, should we get ourselves some breakfast?" Katelyn suggests. "OOH! Kawaii~Chan wants pancakes with lot's of syrup!" Kawaii~Chan squeals. "As long as I can get my coffee, I'm down" Luka says. And that's just what we did. We walked up to the second floor and went to the cafe. As we went in line, we talked on how much money each of us had on us. 

Kawaii~Chan didn't have much, Luka had enough for her usual coffee, and Katelyn had about seven dollars. I had a decent amount. "Next!" I hear the cashier say as I realized that we were next up. "Hey Laurence" I say, walking up to him. Laurence was a friend of mine who worked part time here in this cafe. "Hey Aphmau, you want your usual?" He asked. "No, not today," I say. "Can I get one pumpkin spice coffee, one stack of pancakes, two waffles, and a bagel?". Laurence then types away on his cash register. "Okay, that'll be $11.12" He says. I hand him the amount of money that he needed and that left us with only two dollars. Yes, we're broke gals. Heh. "Alright, it'll be done in about five minutes!" He says. "Okay" I respond back. "Have a nice day, girls!" Laurence says before we leave to the tables. "Thank you, same to you!" I say back. We decided to sit in the way back so no one would see us. As we sat down, I carefully pulled off the lid and let them at least stick their heads out. "This world has food too?" Bendy asks.

"Of course. We need food as well!" I joke. "Is it the same as ours?" Boris says. "Well, depends. What kinds of food do you guys have?" Luka asks. "Well, we have the simple things. Fruit, vegetables, goodies, and Bacon soup!" Bendy says. "That's my favorite!" Boris adds. "Bacon soup?" Katelyn repeats. "Yeah, it's basically bacon but.. turned into liquid to drink. Like soup," Bendy explains. "For us, it tastes great!". "That's nice" I say, not really knowing what to say. After a few minutes of waiting, someone had came with our food. But, this waiter looked different from the ones I would see every time I'd come here. He had dirty blonde hair with pale skin and a reddish colored nose. He had silver eyes and, for some reason, a little party hat you'd see at a child's birthday party. As strange as it might have been, I wasn't the one to judge. That would be mean. We thanked the guy as he left back behind the counter of the cafe. "Kawaii~Chan thought that that man's hat was cute!" Squealed Kawaii~Chan. 

"You think everything's cute" Mockingly said Luka, chuckling away as she drank her coffee. I swear, every time I see her with a cup of coffee in her hands, I feel like I'm talking with a drug addict. Cause she literally lives off of caffeine. Anyways, as we began to eat away, I then ripped a small chunk of my waffle and leaned over to Luka's backpack that was sat on a chair next to me. "Psst. Guys. Try some of our waffles" I whisper to the three. Their heads poked out as I split the chunk three ways. They grabbed their pieces and ate them. I was just surprised they could eat human food when their made of ink. Eh, I don't think that matters. If they could eat sandwiches in the book, what's stopping them now? "Wow! This tastes really good!" Bendy says. "Why does this world's food taste better than ours?" Boris asks. "I don't know" I respond. Afterwards, we continued eating as the other three took pieces of their foods and gave it to them. They liked those as well. When we finished eating, we cleaned up as we got up. 

"So, should we enter some shops?" Katelyn asks. "Sure. We might as well show them human clothes and items" Joked Luka. We then went into some shops to try and keep this trip semi-short. We decided to go to the ones that they would've liked to see. We went to Forever 21, Hot Topic, Apple, Dick's, hehe. Get it? I said.. never mind. That's just me being my immature self again! Sorry. We also went to a small Pokémon store, Old Navy. Well, to sum it up, I think instead of keeping the trip short, we basically ended up going into every store in the mall. Hehe. But, at least the three were having a total blast! They were amazed by everything this world had to offer. I guess they've never seen so many things like this before. But, when we went into the Apple store, they were the most bewildered there, due to all the technology inside. Since the timeline in the book were set to a less "modified" era, they were in awe when they saw all the modeled phones, tablets, watches, etcetera. 

When we finally decided to end our tour, they were already having an amazing time. "Aww, do we have to go already?" Groaned Bendy, like a child not yet ready to leave a toy store. "Yes, we have to get back home so our parents don't think we got kidnapped, or something" I say. "My dad would be calling the FBI by now if that was the case" Joked Katelyn. "You kidding me? He is the FBI!" Added Luka. We all laughed. "So, what now?" Boris asked inside the backpack. "Well..," I began. I checked my phone to see that the time only read: "8:33 A.M.". Jesus, we've only been there for two hours? I could've sworn we've been in there longer. "It's still eight, so what do you guys think we should do to pass time?" I ask, turning to look at the gals. "Hmm.. well.. I don't really know, to be honest" Katelyn says. Man! It's times like these were it's like in the cartoon's. You wish for something to happen. And boom! There's an opportunity! But, sadly, this is the real world. Things like that don't happen. 

That's why we just decided to split and find way's to not be bored. Which, by the way, meant it was my turn to watch over the inky trio. It wasn't hard, but not easy. I decided to just spend the rest of the two days watching YouTube videos. Not for the whole day but.. you know what I mean!

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