Chapter 2: Misunderstanding's

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I just got out of Lunch, and went straight to my locker to put away a few things that I wouldn't need for now. "Hey, Aphmau!" I heard someone say. I turned to see the blue and green-eyed friend of mine that was none other than Blaze. "Hey, Blaze" I say back as I slam my locker door and lock it. "How's it going?" He asks. "It's going good" I respond back. "Noice! Well, sorry for the one millisecond chat, but I gotta head back and learn more about science-y knowledge and stuff!" He says before running off. "Bye, Blaze!" I shout before he left. I then walked to my math class. Math hurts my brain, though; it's one of my least favorite classes in my whole schedule. I walked in and sat at my usual seat as I waited for the teacher to walk in. But, when the teacher walking in, something was definitely different. "Good evening, class! My name is Miss Toriel! And I'll be your substitute teacher for today! Mrs. Addams wasn't feeling well today, so I had been called to take over until she recovers" She says. 

Well, this was new. The new teacher had white hair, pale skin, black eyes, and wore black glasses. She also had on some kind of purple and white robe-ish thing. It looked cool though. We just learned and went over the usual brain hurting symbols and numbers of math. And thankfully, it was finally over. So then, I went over to my final class of the day. Gym. A I came out of the changing rooms, I lined up with my usual group. "Alright class, before we go over the activity's, I have to go over attendance, like always," He said. "Luke Peterson?". "Here!" Said a tall guy with black hair. "Thomas Ridgewell?". "It's Tom, and here" Another said who had light brown hair. He went over the others pretty quickly after he said Tom's name. But anyways, today we just had the choice of doing either laps, planks, or jumping jacks. Pretty tiring way to end the day, but, oh well! So after changing back into my clothes, I walked back to my locker and stuffed my stuff back into my cute cat backpack. 

Afterward, I went to the library, turned on the computer, logged in, and began to type away. It was a little hard to think of a summary that revolved around a little demon and his friends that are based on classic cartoon's, but after a few long moments of thinking and typing, it was done! After printing the paper and signing off the computer, I made my way out of the school. I looked at my phone to see that it was "4:00". Wow! Surprisingly, I wasn't there for too long! I thought in surprise. Mostly cause I started at "3:30", and I guess it only took another thirty minutes. But, as I got down the steps of the stairs, and made my way out of the school, I heard the rattle of a spray can somewhere close by. My curiosity got the better of me, like always, as I slowly made my way towards the sound. The sounds of spraying got louder as the smell of fresh spray paint grew stronger. When I accidentally stepped on a withered leaf, it made a crunch sound and, almost immediately, the sounds stopped. 

Almost on cue, something was thrown at me as I heard a voice say: "Scram!". Whatever was thrown at me, it felt bumpy, and it left me with a bit of pain. I got a better view as I saw that it was a duffel bag filled with different colored spray cans. I got off the ground to just barely see one of the four figures. I saw that they were wearing leather jackets and I just barely saw the formation of an ocelot face on the back. The Ocelot's! I immediately thought. I looked at the wall that they were working on, and I saw that they drew their symbol. To be honest, even the Shadow Knights would've done a much better job at self-advertising their own logo than this. It looked completely rushed and extremely droopy. But, just then, when I thought it couldn't have gone any worse... "Freeze!". I turned to my right to see Vice Principal Lawrence. "Aphmau? What on earth are you doing!?" He asked. Vice Principal Lawrence was new to the school about a few months ago, but as soon as he took the role as Vice Principal, he was a big jerk to not just me, but to practically every student in this school. 

His was pretty much your average crabby middle-aged guy who used any excuse he could to send any student that either looked even the slightest bit of suspicious or was getting into a fight to the Principal's office, without question. Like an unfair Judge in court. "Vice Principal Lawrence! Before you say anything else, this was not me! It was the Ocelot's!" I tried to quickly explain. "Oh right! Blame another group when you're the only one here?" He said. "What!? It wasn't me!" I said. "Enough! Meet in the principal's office tomorrow morning to discuss your penalty!" He said, handing me a pink slip before grumpily walking away. I couldn't believe that this was happening. I just got in trouble because of Aiden's group! Great! Just frickin' splendid! Can't wait to see what happens next when I get home. As I made my way back home, I couldn't stop myself from getting mad over what just happened. When I finally got onto the property of my house, I prepared myself to the soon to be wrath of my own mother. 

I opened the door, shut it, and turned around to see the devil standing right in front of me with fire in their eyes. "Aphmau!" Growled the satan spawn. "Why did I just get a call from the Vice Principal!? Did you do something wrong? Are you failing? Ooh! Wait till I get my chankla!". You see? This is what I always have to deal with every time she hears that I "supposedly" did something wrong. I heavily sighed before I spoke. "No Mom, I'm not failing, my grades are still good, and no I didn't do anything wrong" I cleared up. "Then why did I receive a call from Vice Principal Lawrence?" She asked, still cross as ever. "It's because he thinks that I spray painted the school when really, it was Aiden and his group" I explained truthfully. "Swear to God's name?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Swear to God's name" I repeated. With that said, she finally calmed down. "I believe you, but what do you mean it was Aiden and his group? What happened?" She asked, wanting to know more. 

"Well, when I got out of the Library and started to head home, I heard noises coming from the corner. And, when I stepped on a leaf, they threw their bag of spray cans at me and ran away. And now, Vice Principal Roy thinks that I did it" I explained. "Oh. Sorry to hear that, Mija, but what was done is done so what they say, just do so you don't get into any more trouble" She says. "Alright" I say. I started my way up the stairs and into my room to collapse onto my bed as I groaned loudly into my pillow even though I was muffled. I just wanted the day to be over with. So I hugged the wolf plush that I always left on my bed and went to sleep. Sleeping was something I was known for doing a lot. And it's so relaxing. It's a coping technique used to get away from the troubles and stress of the real world. 

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