The Calm Before the Storm

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"Mom! Dad! Me and Jazz are going out with friends!" A eight year old Danny shouted into the house.

"Be careful Danny!"

"Stay with Jazz and come home before dark!" Danny's parents shouted from somewhere inside the house.

"I will!" Danny shouted back and slammed the door shut behind him before turning to his older sister.

"Come on Jazz! We're going to be late!" Little Danny yelled excitedly.

"Okay, okay, let's go!" An already mature, ten year old Jazz replied.

"This is going to be so fun! Hurry!" Danny began running down the sidewalk towards the park.

"Danny! W-wait! What if you get lost? Slow down!" Jazz ran after the small boy.

They continued this chase all the way to the park where their new friend Tucker was waiting.

"Sorry we're late..." Jazz panted, leaning her hands on her knees.

"It's okay. Hey Danny!" An eight year old Tucker exclaimed as he caught sight of his new friend, "I want you to meet my other friend, Sam! Sam, this is Danny... you know... the one I told you that I met yesterday?" Danny looked past Tucker to see a short little girl.

"Tucker, how old is she?" Danny asked, clearly not approving of this stranger.

"I forgot... Sam?" Tucker turned towards the girl. They all watched as she nervously played with her long dark brown hair.

"I'm s-seven." she said before turning away shyly.

"Oh." Danny said before turning back to Tucker, "So what do you want to do? D you want to play dragons? Oh! Or how about when the floor is lava and we have to climb on the playground without touching the floor? Oh! Or how about-"

"Danny!" Jazz said sternly, "Give him a chance to answer!" Danny stuck his tongue out at her and she did it back.

"Fine... what would you like to play Tucker?" Danny asked, putting emphasis on the 'you'. Jazz smiled and nodded in content. Tucker laughed.

"How about where the floor is lava?" The two boys grinned at each other.

"Ready.... Set... go!" They shouted together as they raced towards the playground and quickly climbed onto it. Jazz tried to resist but she ended up joining in anyway.

"Alright fine, let me show you guys how to do it!" Jazz yelled before making her way onto the playground as well. Sam silently followed.

"Oh no! The lava's rising!" Danny exclaimed dramatically, pointing at the ground. The two other players play screamed in response.

"Now we have to stay off the ground on the playground!" Tucker said, already climbing onto the top of the monkey bars.

"No fair!" Jazz said, she carefully swung herself onto the same monkey bars and pulled herself up to where Tucker was sitting.

"This is the only place safe from the lava Danny! Hurry!" Jazz yelled to her little brother who was on the other side of the playground.

"No! The lava! It's catching up to me!" Danny yelled before running as fast as he could to where Tucker and Jazz sat upon the monkey bars. Danny skillfully grabbed onto the bars and swung from bar to bar until he was at an empty spot where he could pull himself up.

"Hurry Danny!" Tucker laughed.

"I'm... trying!" Danny panted as he struggled to try and lift himself onto the top of the monkey bars.

"Danny you can do it... don't pretend like you can't-" Jazz laughed but was cut off as Danny lost his grip and started to fall.

"Danny!" Jazz and Tucker screamed, their fears were short lived as he stopped in midair.

"What the..." Tucker and Jazz looked up to see the small girl, Sam holding onto Danny's arm. The three were shocked, they had forgotten all about her.

"I got you." Sam's face was scrunched up as she struggled to pull Danny back up to where he could hold onto the bars again. When he was holding himself up again, Sam sighed and went next to hi in the same position.

"I'll show you how to get down from here." She said before moving herself towards the ladder on the side. Danny did the same and they finally made it back onto the ground safely.

"Thank you so much Sam!" Jazz exclaimed before engulfing the small girl into a big hug.

"N-no problem." Sam said, going back to her shy self.

"Yeah.. thanks." Danny said smiling in her direction, not sure if she could see his smile or not. Danny slowly moved in front of the small girl and stuck out his hand.

"Do you want to be friends Sam?" The small girl carefully took Danny's hand and shook.

"Sure... Danny." That was the first time she had seen his true smile. And oh boy... it was a smile she would never forget.

Sorry for the first chapter being so short!!! I had to cut it off here otherwise this chapter was going to end up being 85 pages long!!! XXD So welcome everyone to my story, The Tragedy that Caused the Storm!!! (I know it's a very long title...) If some of you are new, don't worry you don't need to go back and read the first two books before this one. I'm writing this story in a way that makes it so that this story could be read as a prequel OR as it's own story!!! I hope you all have enjoyed it so far!!! (I know that I "messed up" on Sam's hair color or personality or whatever but I promise you that I have a reason for doing that!!! So please don't be rude about ti in the comments!!!) I have a lot planned for this story so I hope you're all prepared!!! XXD Love you all my little mini muffins!!! See you all in the next chapter!!!


(P.s. If you remember in my last story I told you guys that I had ordered stickers and had shown you guys some of my art so... here's how the stickers turned out!!!) I think I'm going to try and make them into key chains or something XXD. I will be making a lot more Danny phantom art and I WILL get my redbubble set up completely soon!!! (That way if you guys want, you can buy some of my art X3.) Well anyway... enjoy!!! Bye!!!

 enjoy!!! Bye!!!

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The Tragedy that Caused the Storm - A Danny Phantom FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now