Listen, Learn, Love

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"Mom, Dad?" Danny poked his head into the house after being dropped off by one of Vlad's limo drivers. It was late, almost two in the morning to be exact but Danny had lost track of time after crying so hard and letting out all of his feelings, and he was here to do the same but with his parents. Hopefully they will understand...

"Guys, I'm home!" Danny yelled, hoping his small voice would reach them this time.

"Danny!" He heard both of his parents shout in worry as they scrambled down the stairs and finally embraced their child. Danny hugged back greedily, it was the first sign of affection between him and his parents since the accident.

"I have to tell you guys something.." Danny's voice cracked as tears were already pouring down his face, his parents pulled away from him and looked at him questioningly.

"I..... I'm so-so sorry," Danny was sobbing now, finally letting all of his emotions out, "I k-killed Jazz a-nd I know it's a... all my fault but I reall-y hope you forgi-ve me." His parents were quick to embrace him once again.

"No no no honey, it's not your fault," Maddie was sobbing as well, "It's ours, we should have noticed something was wrong the moment your accident happened!"

"No you're both wrong, it's no one's fault!" Jack was struggling not to let out the tears brimming at his eyes, "It's not your fault Danny, it's not your fault Maddie, it's no one's fault. No one could have seen this coming, but... but..." his tears started falling as well.

"I think we need a fresh start..." Everything went silent.

"What kind of fresh start dear?" Maddie asked her husband.

"I think we need to move to a new town... meet new people... make new, happier memories in a house that doesn't have any hurtful memories..." The three stood in silence for a few moments before finally Danny spoke up.

"I... I think that's a good idea. I was um... walking around in another town, Amity Park, the other day and I saw a house that looked pretty cool I guess. It's for sale," He added quickly. His parents gave him half hearted smiles.

"We'll go check it out after you go to school tomorrow okay?" Maddie suggested. Danny nodded reluctantly.

"That will also give you time to say your goodbyes to your friends..." Jack added, smiling sadly at his son, knowing how hard it was going to be for him to leave his best friends behind.

"Okay," Danny agreed, giving both of his parents a smile before making his way into his room to prepare himself for his final goodbyes to his friends.


The Tragedy that Caused the Storm - A Danny Phantom FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now