Love and Family (Epilogue)

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"And you know the rest of the story, my dear. But now you know all of it,"

"Wow! That's how you met Daddy?" A not so little Elizabeth asked in wonder before taking a sip of her milkshake as she stared wide eyed at her mother, Y/N. Little Ellie had grown up quite a bit, she was now twelve years old, almost a teenager. She now had long hair, was just about 5"3, but the one thing that stayed the same was the everlasting wonder in her beautiful blue eyes that she had inherited from her father.

"Yep, that's right. I remember it like it was only yesterday!" Danny grinned at his daughter, hugging her close. Y/N rolled her eyes and reached her hand across the table to hold hands with Danny.

They had gotten back together when Ellie was about eight and had been as happy as can be since. Before that, Danny had broken up with Grace soon after Y/n had left with Ellie and had gone to stay in a mental hospital until he got better and Y/n had continued to take care of and love their daughter no matter what. When Danny had gotten out of the mental hospital with a clean bill of health both physically and mentally, he was in search of Y/N and Ellie. It had took about two years to contact them again by way of phone call. But the first time Y/n had heard his voice over the phone she had had a panic attack on the spot and hung up immediately. This made Danny feel extremely bad, so he hung back a bit. A few weeks later it wasn't Danny who called Y/N but Y/N who had called him. She demanded to know his intentions as he apologised for triggering a panic attack. The phone call ended with both parties feeling better with apologies and confessions. A month later, Danny invited Y/n out to lunch, which she accepted. Though she was still cautious, she had to admit that it was good to see him again. At the end of that lunch, Y/N had enough courage to hug Danny goodbye, making his heart ache with want. He however had learned to control his feelings and instead, gently hugged back. Without Ellie's knowledge, the two had gone on many dates, reconnecting and making up for lost time, all in all making up and forgiving each other for all of their wrongs. Then one night, Ellie asked where Y/N was going and in a splurge of guilt, Y/n had let everything about what had been happening the last few months. That was the first night Ellie had seen her father after all of those years. That family reunion could never be beat, filled with tears of joy and the first kiss between the reconnected couple. It truly was a happily ever after.

"Here's your bill Y/N! Hey Ellie!" The perky waitress from years ago greated her friend with a huge grin. Of course the girl, known now as Skylar (<Hey it's me guys!!!) was now the owner of that ice cream shop and had welcomed her friend Y/N to come stay with her when she had left Danny. When she learned that they had gotten back together she had threatened Danny to no end that she would end him if he so much as touched a hair on her head. He, being frightened, agreed not to touch Y/N without her permission as a gentleman should.

"Hi Skylar!" Ellie smiled and waved happily at her mom's friend.

"Thanks Skylar," Y/N smiled back and gave a credit card for the check.

"I'll be right back with this," Skylar promised before hurrying away.

The dinner at the ice cream shop soon came to an end as Skylar locked up and waved goodbye to everyone, promising to see them all tomorrow. The three watched her walk away before turning to each other.

"I guess I'll see you two tomorrow," Danny smiled before bending down a bit and hugging Ellie tight, "Love you my little Ellie!"

"Love you too Daddy!" Ellie hugged him back before he let her go. Ellie waved as she walked to the waiting car and got in.

"I'll see you tomorrow (cute nickname)~" Danny promised, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close as he whispered in her ear. Y/N giggled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.


"Promise," Danny grinned before dipping Y/N and gently meeting their lips in a soft but passionate kiss. The moment ended as a car horn was honked.

"Hey! You two are getting re-married tomorrow! You'll have plenty of time for that later!" Ellie called from inside the car as she became inpatient. She closed the car door again and Y/n grinned.

"She's right you know," Y/N pulled away with a final kiss on Danny's lips, "I love you Danny~"

"I love you too Y/N~ forever and always."   

This is it... the true finale of the !Yandere! Danny Phantom series!!! (Not sure series is the right word but oh well.) I hope you all have enjoyed these stories even though the updates have been slow at times and the stories may have gone off track a bit but I overall had so much fun writing them!!! I love all of your comments (a bunch of you guys are so funny oml) your comments always make me laugh or make me feel inspired to write and I just... I love you all my little mini muffins!!! Let me just say a few things: 1) My little sister was the one who inspired me when writing for Elizabeth!

I've had a picture of her in here before when she was really little but now... look at how much she's grown!!! 

 look at how much she's grown!!! 

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(This is her favorite filter on instagram by the way!) I really cannot believe how big she is now! I love her so much and she's so cute! Although she can really be a struggle sometimes, I really love her!!! I can't wait until she's older so I can ...

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(This is her favorite filter on instagram by the way!) I really cannot believe how big she is now! I love her so much and she's so cute! Although she can really be a struggle sometimes, I really love her!!! I can't wait until she's older so I can show her this lol. But yeah... behind Elizabeth, it has always been my little sister!!! (Hey littles! How's it going? XD)

Okay moving on 2) I love you guys so much!!! You're all my little mini muffins and dear readers!!! Even if you just got here and have no idea what's going on... I still love you and yes you're still a little mini muffin!!!

Finally 3) I am going to start focusing on my original stories and publishing the first drafts on here!!! The reason being that I want to publish my own story one day!!! Which means that I should start showing you guys some of my other stories!!! If you're interested just go check out my profile every once in awhile and I'm sure to have one of my original stories up!!! I'm really excited about this actually... I've been working on one story for awhile and I have decided that when I'm done with it, I'm going to send it to a publisher and see what they say!!! Hey, even if they say they won't publish it... guess what I'm going to do... uhm uhm that's right... I'm going to publish it myself!!! So either way, this original story thing is going to be awesome!!! I really hope you guys are going to like it!!! :D 

So now... I must say good bye my little mini muffins... of course this isn't the end of my stories but it is the end of this series and I really hope you guys enjoyed it!!! So no matter what happens... wither you guys decide to stay with me or not... you'll always be my little mini muffins and I hope to see some of you soon in my original story!!! Love you all my little mini muffins!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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