Rain and Shine

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"No, no, no, Jazz, no!" Danny sobbed, holding his sisters bloody and mangled body in his arms.

"Da- anny..." Jazz tried to speak through the blood.

"No please don't try to talk, please... please just stay alive! Here! I'll get Mom and Dad! I'll tell them-!" Jazz grabbed onto Danny's arm to stop him from getting up.

"N-no it's... okay.."

"NO IT'S NOT!" Danny screamed, tears were running down his face in an endless waterfall.

*A few minutes earlier*

"Danny?" Jazz peeked her head into Danny's room to see no one, "Huh? I could have sworn...."

"JAZZ LOOK OUT!" Danny screamed just as a huge green laser like thing flew past her head. Jazz's eyes widened as she saw her brother in midair.... Flying!

"Oh my god.... Oh my GOD! Danny how are you doing that?!" Jazz was freaking out now.

"Now isn't the time for that... we have bigger problems than me being a ghost-"

"YOU'RE A GHOST?!" Danny facepalmed.

"Yes, but that doesn't matter right now, look-" Danny pointed at one of his worst enemies... Vlad Plasmius.

"Do you give up now Daniel?" He called menacingly.

"Never!" Danny yelled as he shot up from his spot next to Jazz and began shooting his green beams at him again. But it was no use, Vlad was much more experienced than Danny, showing as he dodged every beam without a second thought.

"Jazz you need to leave now... you might get hurt so please leave now!" Danny commanded his big sister.

"Okay, I'll be right back with supplies!" Jazz yelled, though Danny couldn't hear her over the roar of the two ghosts shooting plasma beams at each other. With Jazz gone, Danny became careless of where he shot his plasma beams, shooting them every which way, not really paying attention to where they landed. That is until...

"I'm back! I got the Fenton Thermos and the- ugh!" Both Vlad and Danny stopped immediately.

"Da-anny?" Jazz cried out. Danny was to her side in a second.

"No, no, no, Jazz, no!" Danny sobbed, holding his sisters bloody and mangled body in his arms.
"Da- anny..." Jazz tried to speak through the blood.
"No please don't try to talk, please... please just stay alive! Here! I'll get Mom and Dad! I'll tell them-!" Jazz grabbed onto Danny's arm to stop him from getting up.
"N-no it's... okay.."
"NO IT'S NOT!" Danny screamed, tears were running down his face in an endless waterfall. Vlad placed a hand on Danny's shoulder.

"I-I'm so sorry Daniel, I didn't mean for things to go so far... but if we hurry, we could get her to the hospital and-"


"Daniel, I don't think this is time for negotiation-"

"I'M GETTING MY MOM AND DAD! THEY'LL HELP HER! I KNOW THEY WILL!! THEY HAVE TO!!" Danny screamed as he turned intangible and flew down into the lab, where he knew his parents would be.

"M-MOM!" Danny sobbed as he flew into the lab.

"Ah, Danny we were just going to ask you to come down and check this out- DANNY?!" Maddie screamed at the sight of her sobbing son.... her.... ghost son...

"Danny! Oh my... what happened to you?" Maddie asked her eyes wide in shock.

"Danny my boy, what's the matter-? Oh my gosh Maddie he's a ghost!!" Jack reached for the Fenton thermos, but found it was missing.

"Now's not the time-"

"Danny, oh my gosh. You died... what happened?!" Maddie started to cry.

"No Mom no... please it's not me right now, it's about Jazz!" Danny cried harder as he pointed upstairs.

"Huh?" His parents looked oddly at each other. Danny wasted no time in pulling both parents by their arms and upstairs. As soon as the door opened, the scent of blood hit everyone like a brick wall. It was then that his parents took no time in getting right down to business, temporarily forgetting all about all things paranormal.

"Oh my god Jack, we have to get her to a hospital now!" Maddie yelled, already getting out her phone to call an ambulance.

"Danny...." A small voice was heard from the middle of the room, all eyes turned to Jazz as Danny kneeled beside her.

"I love you little brother okay? I-it's not.... N-not," she was choking on her own blood, "It's not your fault....."

"B-but Jazz, it WAS me.. My beam hit you, I'm so sorry, but please you have to stay here. Please don't go, we need you here-" The hand Danny was holding went limp.

"J-Jazz?!" Danny whisper yelled as he gently gave her hand a shake.

"Move Danny!" Maddie commanded as she started to perform CPR. Soon the ambulance showed up. There was no time they said, as they started to perform life saving techniques all while Danny sat, rocking back and forth in a corner.

"No... no, no... no... no, no, no." It was the only thing he could say. A few terrious minutes later and Jazz was pronounced dead at the scene.

"No... no, no, no, no..... No, no, no.... No...." Danny chanted day and night for three weeks straight. He didn't go to school. He sat in Jazz's room and screamed and cried. He had nightmares. He woke up and went down to breakfast expecting Jazz to show up at any minute. She never came and she never would again.

"I killed her... it's my fault... it's my fault... I killed her... she's dead and...."

"It's all my fault."     

Yeah it's late and it's another short chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed it either way... I know it might seem like I really am moving this story on faster now so hopefully that will make it more exciting. :) I love you all my little mini muffins!!! Have a good weekend and yep!!! See you in the next chapter!!!


The Tragedy that Caused the Storm - A Danny Phantom FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now