A Way Out

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H/C = hair color, Y/N = your name (Hehehe do you guys get where I'm going with this XD)

Slam! Danny groaned as he was currently being slammed against the lockers by the school bully, Dash.

"Ha! That's what you get for looking at me Fenton!" Dash punched Danny in the face one last time before shoving by a H/C girl standing by her locker.

"He.. hey! That's not very nice!" The girl called out quietly. Dash stopped in his tracks,

"Oh!? And what are YOU going to do about it nerd!" Dash was now in the girl's face, towering above her. Danny watched with interest as she took a deep breath and stared straight into his cold eyes.

"Someday you're going to pay and no one will be there to save you. Even your 'closest friends' won't stop to help. You're just a jerk! And we're all tired of it!" Danny could tell that the girl was trying not to stutter. Dash just scoffed,

"You have your hopes now, but one day you're going to see it's all a lie! Don't come crying to me when something bad happens to you!" Dash angrily yelled, while pushing the girl against the lockers and knocking down her books. Danny's eyes widened in worry as the girl's head hit the locker but still she tried to shake it away. She looked over at him, just as Dash came back to beat him up more. The girl sat there in a daze as Danny shielded his face from dash's punches.

From the corner of Danny's eye he could see that she stood up from the floor. She looked confused for a moment. She moved forward slowly towards Danny and Dash, until her hands made contact with Dash's shoulder.

"St.. Stop!" The girl shouted, shoving Dash with all her might, causing Dash to fall on his face with a loud sickening crack! Dash sat up, blood covering his face and the hand holding his nose.

"I'm gonna get you for this! This isn't over!" Dash yelled, running down the hall, still holding his bloody and probably broken nose. The girl smiled, still slightly lightheaded and moved towards Danny, who was groaning while holding his shoulder. She pressed her back on the lockers and slid down to sit next to him.

"Um... hey are you alright?" she asked, trying her hardest not to blackout. Danny groaned again,

"Ugh... I guess so. Thanks... what about you?" The girl gave a light chuckle,

"I've been better... and no problem." They continued to sit against the lockers for a few minutes when finally Danny stood up and held out his hand,

"Thanks for helping me... I'm Danny!" he spoke, trying his hardest to smile through the pain. He could see that the girl could tell his shoulder was badly injured, but even so, gently grabbed his hand as he helped her up.

"I'm Y/N!" she replied. Danny smiled,

"I'm new so... I hope we can be friends!" Y/N nodded slowly,

"Yeah definitely! Now... let's just go.. get cleaned up." Y/N began leading Danny down the hallway and out of the school. As soon as they stepped outside, the bright sunlight seemed to make Y/N even dizzier. Danny realized this and put his arm on her shoulders and moved her other arm on his.

"Here, we can walk steadier this way." Danny smiled at Y/N. She smiled back thankfully as they began to walk again. Eventually the girl, Y/N, succeeded in leading the both of them to a house.

"This is your house?" Danny asked Y/N. She nodded,

"Ye.. yeah. We just have to get the key out from under that flower pot." Y/N nodded her head towards it. Danny nodded.

"Alright, hang on." Danny said, sitting Y/N down on the porch steps so he could get the key and open the door. Finally he opened it and Y/N led him inside, up the stairs and to her bedroom.

They sat on the floor, out of breath.

"We made it..." Y/N smiled.

"Yeah... I guess we did." Danny smiled. Suddenly they both blushed, realizing that Danny's arm was still around her shoulders.

"Um... I should go get the emergency kit for your shoulder." Y/N said, gesturing to his profoundly bleeding shoulder. Danny nodded and Y/N made her way out of the room. Danny waited in her room as she ran downstairs to get the first aid kit. She soon returned with said item.

"Here.. I got it!" Y/N said showing him the red and white box.

"Yay! Fix me up doctor!" Danny laughed jokingly, making Y/N blush.

"Um... you.. you're going to have to.. um. Remove your shirt..." Y/N blushed even more and Danny smirked,

"We just met and already you're trying to check me out!" he said, already taking his shirt off. Y/N blushed even more. Danny chuckled,

"Well... are you just going to stand there and let me bleed to death, or are you going to patch me up?!" he said, making Y/N's face even more red, if that was even possible.

"Oh.. uh sorry!" she said embarrassed, as she sat down and began putting some kind of ointment on Danny's shoulder. In no time, Y/N got him all wrapped up. Danny sighed,

"Thank you... Y/N? Was it?" Y/N giggled as she got up to put the kit away,

"Yeah... and you're welcome Danny!" Suddenly Danny's smile went to a frown of worry,

"Y/N wait! Don't put the kit away yet!"

"What... why?" Y/N asked worriedly.

"Your head is bleeding!" Danny cried out, standing up and taking the kit from her and sitting on her bed.

"Here, let me do it..." Danny said, already getting out the supplies again, Y/N sat down next to him. He gently dabbed the side of Y/N's head with some wipes, revealing that it had been bleeding for quite some time now. Finally he finished by carefully applying the ointment and securing a bandage to the wound. Y/N watched his eyes the whole time, intrigued by their fierce, but soft blue color. Suddenly Danny's eyes stopped and slowly met Y/N's.

"Danny...?" Y/N whispered.

"Yeah Y/N?" he replied. Suddenly Y/N pulled him in for a hug, burying her face into his neck. Danny was surprised but eventually hugged back.

"Th.. thank you..." Y/N whispered after a few minutes. Danny hugged her tighter,

"No one has ever been this nice to me... I should be the one thanking you anyways!" Danny smiled and they pulled away. Both of them blushing madly, just now realizing that Danny's shirt was still off.

"Um... I should probably get going." Danny spoke, breaking the silence. Y/N sighed,

"Yeah I guess you should..." she smiled up at him, "By the way... where do you live?" Danny chuckled,

"Right next door actually!" Silence filled the room once again.

"I.. I really don't have an excuse as to why I have all these cuts and bruises yet though." Danny said looking down at the floor. Y/N tilted her head confused, but didn't ask any further questions.

"Um well..." Y/N said looking around her room, "You could stay here for tonight, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind... I mean... we are friends right?" Y/N asked hopefully.

"Yeah.. I guess we are." Danny smiled, of course we are. Y/N went to go put the emergency kit back, leaving Danny wondering if she could possibly be his way out... the way out of his dark place... yes it could work... she could be his best friend for life... she could be his queen.     

The Tragedy that Caused the Storm - A Danny Phantom FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now