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The sun rose, shining it's warm, orange rays upon Danny's sleeping face. His nose scrunched up as the light washed over his eyes, awaking him from his deep sleep.

"Ugh... morning already?" Danny groaned, reaching his arms out over his head to stretch. Just for a moment, everything seemed okay. Just for a moment, all of last nights activities had been forgotten, but as Danny sat up, suddenly all the memories flashed back to him. Immediately, he found himself at the bathroom mirror.

"No changes there... nope... no white hair... no green eyes... no white gloves... everything seems okay at least-" Then Danny began to sink through the floor!

"Ah! Not again!" Danny jumped up in a panic and suddenly he was on his feet again.

"Aw what the hell?! How am I going to live like this?!" He screamed in frustration. Just then there was a knock at the bathroom door.

"Danny? Everything okay in there?" Jazz called.

"Y-yeah, everything's fine. Just a minute." Danny said, as he hurriedly brushed his teeth and ran a comb through his hair. He ran out of the bathroom and back to his room where he proceeded to get dressed and grab everything he needed for the first day of school. Another quick look in the mirror and he was off to school.

"Danny, you're not going to eat breakfast?" Maddie asked, taking a break from another invention.

"I already ate... see you guys later!" Danny lied before running out of the house to meet up with Sam and Tucker at the front of the school.

"Hey Sam!" Danny greeted as he ran to catch up with the goth girl.

"Danny, what took you so long-? Actually I expected you to be late... but where's Tucker-?"

"I'm right here guys!" Tucker cut her off and ran up to the two of them, still trying to pull up his pants.

"Guys I have to tell you something-"

"Sorry I'm late! I couldn't decide what to where..." Tucker cut Danny off without even knowing it.

"But, guys hey, can I tell you guys something-?" Danny was cut off once again this time by Sam.

"Tucker, you know you just end up wearing the same thing everyday!" Sam laughed.

"Guys please, can I say something-"

"Yeah yeah yeah... and we all know that you just end up wearing the same color everyday so...."

"I have to tell you guys something-"

"I'll have you know that I LOVE black! Black goes with everything! It's YOU who needs help choosing clothes because yours never go together!"


"Black is not my thing okay? Just because I am black doesn't mean that black is my color-"

"Guys...?" Danny whispered, falling behind them a bit, just now realizing that there were tears in his eyes.

"I'm aware that black isn't your color Tucker, I was just suggesting that you try something new-"

"GUYS! I have something to TELL you!" Danny finally yelled over their conversation. Tucker and Sam turned back in surprise at the tears running down Danny's face.

"D-Danny? What's wrong-?" Tucker started, only to be cut off by Danny's sob.

"What's wrong?" Danny sobbed, "Guys I've been trying to tell you.... please listen.... I know it sounds crazy, but last night.... last night... I died."

"What? Danny... you know I'm your friend, but that sounds a little farfetched-"

"I knew you wouldn't believe me Tucker! With all that science crap, there's no way I could have died, I know how your brain works." Danny cried, "But please, you have to believe me... something horrible happened last night and I have no idea how but... I'm a ghost!" Danny collapsed to the ground as he cried and watched as his friends eyes widened in worry.

"Danny..." Sam lowered herself to the ground and patted Danny's back, "I don't know what happened to you last night, but I believe you okay? But please calm down... I can't help you if you don't tell me exactly what's wrong and- oh my god!"

"Danny!!" Tucker and Sam shouted as he began sinking through the sidewalk. Tucker grabbed one arm and Sam grabbed the other, together they used all their strength to pull Danny back up. As soon as they did, his body became solid again and he no longer sank through the sidewalk.

"Okay, what the hell just happened?" Sam said, eyes wide. Danny just shook his head as a fresh wave of tears overcame him.

"I told you guys.... I died last night... I'm a ghost..." 

AHHHHHHHHHHH why do I keep on not updating on the right day!!??! AHHHHHHHH!!!! Sorry, guys for not updating yesterday... I had a long day of trying to take care of my dog because a few days ago my cat scratched his eye and yesterday he had to get surgery to get it fixed... it's just a whole mess but hopefully his eyes will heal... But hey! Here's the new chapter!!! Hopefully the next chapter will be updated on time!!! I'll try my hardest my little mini muffins!!! I promise!!! XXD Sorry this is a short chapter but like I said, it was a long day yesterday and yeah.... but hopefully you guys have enjoyed it!!! See you guys in the next chapter!!!


The Tragedy that Caused the Storm - A Danny Phantom FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now