Chapter Thirty Eight

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         Renne had been back to Healing Hearts for close almost a month now. Things had been nonstop busy at the ranch, so the wedding planning had been put on hold for the most part. Numerous times, Renne had talked to Matt about pushing the date back since a month was nowhere near enough time for her to plan a wedding, especially since she was doing all of the planning by herself. However, every time she had brought up the wedding topic with Matt, it had just ended in a fight. Matt kept pushing for the date they had chosen, but Renne wanted a later date...a much later date. Part of her wondered if she wanted to postpone the wedding because there was someone back in Wyoming who was keeping her from tying down her roots with Matt. If she was being honest with herself, nothing seemed to be going right with anything to do with the wedding, and Renne was starting to have doubts. However, every time that those negative thoughts surfaced, Renne tucked them away, telling herself they were just nerves and pre-wedding jitters. 

       Letting out a sigh, Renne tapped her pencil anxiously against one of her open binders she had sitting on the table next to her open laptop. She never knew finding a catering company would be so difficult. Heck, Renne didn't even have the guest list finalized, let alone send out invitations. There was still so much that needed done, and saying that doing everything by herself was overwhelming was definitely an understatement.

        Tucking one of her legs under her knee as she sat in the chair at the kitchen table, Renne looked between the magazine clippings and the open catering company's screen on her laptop. Scrolling down on the page, Renne scanned over the pricing section. "Why is food so expensive?" She mumbled to herself, knowing Matt would get upset with her if he knew she was stressing over the price since he had handed her his credit card, telling her to get whatever she wanted to make their wedding day perfect for her. However, Renne was never the one to go willy nilly, buying stuff, even for a wedding. Needless to say, she had always been frugal, even when she had enough money to throw around. 

          Closing out of the catering tabs on her laptop, Renne turned her attention to the guest list. The only people on her side that she knew she would for sure be inviting were: a couple friends she had met recently, Mamaw and Papaw, Doug and his kids, and Swayde. Her eyes lingered on that last name on the paper for a couple seconds. Never would she have thought his name would be on the guest list; whenever she used to think of her future, Swayde was always the one she was walking down the aisle towards. Why had that vision changed, or had it? 

        Almost psychically shaking the thought from her head, Renne cast her eyes to Matt's guest list. It was long, almost a whole page filled. It would be a decent sized wedding. As she went over the names, Renne counted up the number of people she didn't know versus the ones she did. The number of people she actually knew was very small, not surprising to her. Once she got to the bottom of the page, Renne lifted her pencil, about to add another name, but stopped herself. She had contemplated adding Chris...Christina...the woman pregnant with Matt's child. The thought bounced itself around in Renne's brain. Deciding to write down Chris's name, adding parentheses and a question mark beside it, she made a mental note to ask Matt his thoughts on inviting her, even though she knew he would most likely tell her, "The more the merrier." 

        Content with the tentative, long guest list, Renne set it aside, pulling out her sample invitation pictures. They were all pretty, but Renne was unable to pin one down; none of her screamed out to her. 

        Running a hand through her hair as she glanced at the mess she had made on the table, with numerous papers, pamphlets and samples sprawled all over the table, almost covering it entirely. As she flipped the page of invitation pictures over, Renne's phone rang somewhere under one of the growing piles of wedding paraphernalia. 

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