16: Seeing Him Again

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You received reports on what was happening to kuchiki rukia. You could guess something was happening to kuchiki rukia and urahara had to do something with it.

Though you knew you weren't supposed to visit him... No them. You weren't supposed to visit them, you did.

You pushed open the door " urahara."

Urahara: .... Niko.

Niko: kuchiki rukia. You did something to her. Didn't you?

Urahara: I did. You noticed. You told them yet?

Niko: no. I also saw a shinigami who has a real body of his own. Kuchiki Rukia did the illegal thing?

Urahara: yes.

Niko : I haven't reported this to Soi Fon taichou yet. I assumed it had something to do with you.

Urahara: arigato.

Niko: are you going to tell me what you did to her? Kuchiki rukia.

Urahara: .... I don't want you to get more involved. I didn't make kuchiki do that illegal thing. Though I'm sure you know kurosaki has it inside him to be one.

Niko: I am involved. The moment I helped to lie about you existence here.

Urahara: don't be so angry.

You take a deep breath " urahara. I'm leaving. "

Urahara: you don't love me anymore. Do you ? Still?

1) " I want to. "

2) " maybe... "

1) " I want to. "

Urahara: but...?

Niko: you abandoned me there. You know I wouldn't have minded. You made the decision for me. I knew I would be alone again. For a long long long time. I hated it. The days I felt something was missing. So... I want to still love you. But I can't...

Urahara: you have someone now.

Niko:.... Um. Toshiro.

Urahara: gomen. I caused you... Pain.

Niko: mmmm... You caused me happiness before too. Arigato.

And you left. It felt like a rock was lifted of your shoulders. You weren't doing anything bad towards him. You told him the truth. You owed him nothing now.

2) " maybe. "

Urahara: maybe?

" Maybe . " You clenched you fist . He looked you in the eyes . You looked back into his for a few moments... And you looked away. You didn't want to sink in further " maybe. But I have toshiro now. "

He adjusts his hat " I understand..."

" Um. "And you left. Your heart was in total confusion. Maybe... Maybe you really still have feelings left for him.

Was I too greedy? Did I want both?

Or... Is that I can't just can't forget him?

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