19: Be Careful

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You heard what had happened. Aizen taichou was dead being pinned to the wall of a building. You rushed to the scene to see hinamori and Kira captured. You gave a breath of relief seeing that the situation was under control.

Toshiro: who's that? Come out.

You flash stepped and appeared.

1) " this is getting out of hand. "

2) " aizen taichou is dead... You believe that?"

1) " this is getting out of hand "

Toshiro: I agree. We have to hurry up and capture the ryoka. Does the black corps have any news?

Niko: nope. Weirdly... It's like they know where to hide. Six people infiltrated our barracks. I kind of know where the five are. Except for one.

Toshiro: really? Then why don't you catch them?

Niko: they kind of disappear after we track them. Then there's the last one... Wears a shikigami's shihaksho. Difficult to catch. Our barracks have too many people. Not everyone knows each other.

Toshiro sighs " you have to be careful. I don't want to see you getting hurt. "

Niko: hehe. Toshiro~ is worried~ about me~

He smiled " be careful. "

You nod your head " um! " And gave him a kiss on his cheek " hitsugaya taichou should be careful too. "

Toshiro: hmph. I'm a taichou.

2) " aizen taichou is dead... You believe that? "

Toshiro : you don't believe that?

Niko: .... Don't know. He's a taichou. Don't really see any injuries on him. He died that easily without a scratch... Weird... Even madarame was seriously injured.

Toshiro: what you say makes some sense. But...

Niko: but... His body is there. Stupid aizen. I thought he was the smarter ones.

Toshiro: smarter ones?

Niko: I don't mean you're not smart . I just mean... He looked smart. Yes . He looked smart.

Toshiro: I don't look smart?

Niko; .... You look awesome!

Toshiro laughs " forget it. " You stick out your tongue playfully " heh heh..."

Toshiro: be careful.

Niko: um! Toshiro be careful too! I'll spy on you in case something happens. Um.

" I am a taichou. I don't need your help. Go. Do your job. " He laughs as he watches you leave.

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