Chapter 1- Restless Sleeping

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Mitch sat up groggily, from the lack of sleep most likely. His nightmares had kept him up again, always the same one, getting worse each night. No one knew about these, not even Jerome, his best friend, the one he tells everything too. It's been like that forever, the both of them telling everything to the other, but this was different, Jerome couldn't know about the nightmares...

Speaking of Jerome, Mitch had almost forgot he was coming over today. Jumping out of bed, he raced over to his computer, opening skype. As he expected, there was already three missed calls from Jerome. Not caring what he looked like since it was just Jerome, Mitch video called him back.

Within seconds Bacca_asf answered, Jerome's face appearing on Mitch's screen. For a split second Mitch just stared at him, smiling. The feelings Mitch had for Jerome were almost impossible to hide, but they had to be, otherwise, who knows what would happen.

"Biggums where ya been?" Mitch couldn't help but grinning, their strange names for each other always got him ecstatic.

"Sorry, just got up!" Mitch responded, and Jerome's face turn slightly concerned. Looking to the clock, Mitch saw that it was 11:21, but after finally falling asleep around 3, and waking up quite often, Mitch guessed that he got about 4 hours of sleep.

"You okay dood? You look awful..." He asked, and Mitch immediately brushed his hand through his hair, trying to play it cool. As much as he trusted Jerome, he didn't want to worry him. These couple of days with him were supposed to be fun, not a therapy session.

"Yeah I'm fine! So, uh, when you coming?" He answered, trying to avoid a conversation about it. Jerome was supposed to be coming for a couple of days, then they would fly down to L.A. and stay with Team Crafted at the house for a few weeks.

Mitch had been looking forward to this ever since they planned it, about two weeks ago. Being around Jerome always made him happy, something he didn't feel often. Even if they were just recording some Minecraft, hearing his voice brightened up his day anyday.

He had felt this way for a while, it probably started the last time the team was in L.A. Mitch and Jerome had stayed outside by the pool, later than the rest of them, as everyone was tired. The two had talked about everything, ranging from minecraft to past relationships. Mitch had slowly started to fall for Jerome, and from that point on, he was all he could think about.

Mitch didn't realize he was spacing out until he heard Jerome shout his name,

"Mitch! You there buddy?" Mitch looked up at the screen at the bacca, slightly embarressed. He did this quite often, space out, surrounded by his thoughts of Jerome, most of the time.

"Sorry, a little out of it I guess."

"Okay," Jerome said uneasy, "Anyways, my flight lands at 2, pick me up at the airport?"

"Course! See ya later then..." Mitch said, wanting to end the conversation, before Jerome got to suspicious.

"Yeah okay biggums, don't be late!" He joked, knowing that Mitch was awful with time, 'Mitch time' being the perfect example.

Mitch just smirked and turned off the monitor. Unknown to him, the call was still up. Putting his head in his hands, he sighed.

"Stop it Mitch, don't mess this up." He spoke to himself, and continued to shut the computer down.


Jerome slowly closed Skype, hearing Mitch's last sentence. He guessed that Mitch was unaware that he had heard that.

'What was up with Mitch? He's been acting out of it for a couple of weeks', Jerome thought. Maybe he would try to find out when he got there. He didn't like when there was something wrong with Mitch, especially when he didn't want to talk about it, that just meant that the problem was worse.

Jerome grabbed his bags and left his house and headed for the airport, determined to help Mitch with whatever was wrong, but at the same time, have a good time.


He stood up and walked to his closet, picked out some jeans and a black tee, threw on his red checkered hoodie, and walked out of the room. He had about two hours before he had to go get Jerome.

'Just play it cool Mitch, so what if I have feelings for him? He can't know, so it's better that I just push all feelings aside for the time being.' He thought, sitting on the couch. With sleep grabbing him from conciousness, Mitch closed his eyes reluctantly and feel into a restless sleep.

(Is this too short of a chapter? Please let me know)

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