Chapter 2- #Merome

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Jerome sat at the airpot, and looking at the time, stating 2:24, sighed. He's been texting Mitch for the past half an hour, wondering where he could be right now.

Jerome: Hey biggums, just landed, see you soon!

Jerome: Where ya at buddy?

Jerome: Mitch, you forget about me? :/

Finally, after 10 more minutes of waiting, Jerome called for a cab, and headed to Mitch's house.

Arriving, Jerome paid the cabby and knocked on the door. When no answer was heard, Jerome looked towards the driveway to see that Mitch's car was still in the driveway.

'What's up with Mitch?' He thought, using his key to open the door.

"Mitch!" He called out, and walking into the living room, suddenly he quieted down. Mitch was passed out on the couch, not looking that comfortable, Jerome noticed. He was shaking and was whimpering at times.

"Mitch, wake up buddy" Jerome spoke aloud, walking towards Mitch and slightly shaking him. He felt bad for waking him, but it didn't seem like Mitch was enjoying his sleep.

"Come on Biggums" He continued, finally waking up Mitch. Mitch shot up and gasped for air.

"Hey, hey, it's okay Mitch. It's just me." Jerome reassured. He saw Mitch look towards the clock and swore under his breath.

"Jerome I'm so sorry, I-"

"Hey no worries Benj, I got a cab. You alright?" Jerome asked, helping Mitch sit up.

"I'm alright, really," He replied, "I'm gunna go take a shower, you can um, put your stuff upstairs." With that, Mitch got up and left, leaving Jerome not knowing what to think.


Mitch got in the shower and almost broke down crying. Jerome had found him in his worse hour.

'I can't tell him, it would ruin everything.' He thought, not wanting to speak aloud, in case Jerome were to here him.

After he got out, Mitch felt refreshed, and hoped that Jerome wouldn't question what previously occured. He walked into his room to find Jerome on his own computer, probably playing minecraft.

"Hey" He simply said, glad to see Jerome, "Sorry about not getting you, I must've fell asleep"

Jerome smiled,

"It's okay biggums, come 'ere" He said, getting up, and pulling Mitch into a hug. Mitch probably enjoyed it more than he should have.

It seemed like Jerome dropped the matter, which was unlike him, Mitch thought, as Jerome usually is forward about these kind of things.

"So what's the plan for today, well, what's left of the day." Jerome asked, looking at the time, 3:41.

"Figuring a night in for tonight, record a bit?" Mitch suggested, he didn't mind what they did, he was just happy that Jerome was finally here.

"Sounds good dood, lemme just change this shirt then we can set up." He responded, standing up and heading to his bag. Mitch knew he should look away, but what harm could it do?

Jerome pulled his shirt off, and noticed Mitch looking,

"Like what ya see biggums?" He said with a wink. That was the thing about Jerome, he could pull that stuff off without sounding weird about it.

"You wish" Mitch replied sarcastically, leaving the room, his face red from blushing.

"Imma go set up!" He yelled through the door, and headed upstairs. Walking up, he recalled Jerome shirtless, the irresistible abs, the-

Mitch's thoughts was interrupted by his phone ringing, and looking at his phone, saw that it was Adam.

"Hey Adam!" Mitch exclaimed, happy to hear from Adam. He was the only one who knew about his feelings for Jerome.

"Mmmmiiiitttttccchhhhh!!" Adam replied, well, more like yelled. Mitch had to pull the phone away from his ear until Adam continued, "Did Jerome land yet?"

Looking back to make sure Jerome was still downstairs, Mitch answered,

"Yeah got here a little while ago."

"You gonna tell him that... you know?" He asked, his voice hushed. Ty was probably over.

"You crazy dood? It would ruin everything!" Mitch shouted through a wisper, constantly checking that Jerome wasn't upstairs yet.

"Yeah I guess you're right, just hang in there alright benj?" Sky said, a hint of disappointed in Mitch's responce.

"Yeah, I gotta go record with Jerome. Talk to you later?" Mitch said, walking into his recording room.

"OH MITCH!" Sky shouted.

Once again Mitch had to pull away the phone. Also, Jerome came up the stairs and entered the room, but saw Mitch was on the phone and asked,

"Who ya talking to biggums?"

Mitch decided to answer both questions.

"Yeah Sky what is it?" This got Jerome riled up.



Mitch just laughed and pushed Jerome away and let Sky continue.

"UHC is recording in 20 minutes, you guys in?"

Mitch repeated this to Jerome, and both nodded at the same time.

"Meet ya there!" Mitch said to Sky.

"Bye Dood!"

Mitch and Jerome sat down at the computers, as Mitch had a spare for when he had guests for recording.

"So biggums, we need a name, how about PowerMoves?"

"Nah Ryans not here, hmm what about #Merome?" Jerome responded with a wink. Mitch had to turn away from the red in his cheeks.

"Sure Biggums" He answered, his heart racing.

Be my Bacca? (Merome FanFic) [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz