Chapter 8- 24 Hours

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(Time skip to the end of the meet up)

Mitch's P.O.V.

"That was awesome!" Adam shouted from the passenger seat, holding a camcorder focused on him.

"Thank you all so much for coming out! And of course, the rest of TeamCrafted thanks you too" He said, putting us all in view of the recorder. That of course was every ones cue to go crazy in the backseat, Jerome nearly jumping from the third row to the second.

Mitch had somewhat avoided sitting next to his bacca, choosing to squish between Jason and Ian. Him and Jerome's conversation had been weird, like Jerome wanted to ask something, but didn't know now to word it. It was basically just small talk, until they were interrupted by Adam saying it was time to go. Mitch had been trying to not think to much of it.

"FLUFFYY" Adam continued, stretching back to meet Jerome's head, petting his hair. The response being a constant slurping sound.

"Mitch take over, #MEROME!" Not wanting to disappoint the fans, Mitch gave in, laughing, truly laughing. This is how he wanted it to be, no drama, just the group hanging out and being...weird.

"But in all seriousness, thank you, today was great, and can't wait until the next meet up at Pax!" And with that Adam ended the vlog. Mitch had almost forgot about pax, but it wasn't for about 2 months.

The ride home after that was pure craziness, somehow Mitch ended up sprawled across the back row, his head on Jerome's lap, Adam was on the floor, and Quentin got them lost. All in all it was a really fun night, but of course that didn't last long.

When they pulled in the driveway at about 11:30, it taking them 3 hours to get home, (with the occasional stop at McD), Adam immediately motioned Mitch to follow him to the backyard, the rest of the crew heading inside.

Adam said nothing as they sat down on the patio. Instead him pulling out his phone, and handing it over to Mitch. 

Mitch read the text, two simple words, nothing else. 


24 hours.

No words were said as Mitch handed the phone back, and walked inside. He didn't know what to think, he had 24 hours to explain to Jerome his feelings, something he never planned on doing, as he preferred the admiring from a distance kind of thing. What would he think? Would he be disgusted?  Appalled? Or would he understand? Mitch would find out tomorrow. 

The next morning, Mitch was awoken by laughter and a few swears, he guessed someone was woken up not how they had planned, he was just grateful that didn't happen to him. 

Today's the day, okay, I can do this, maybe we can go out to town, or the beach. Nah, wouldn't want to make it cliché. I'll figure something out, He thought to himself, as he headed down towards the kitchen. To his not so much surprise, Jerome was there.

Mitch stared for a second, remembering why exactly he liked Jerome. He was perfect, everything about him, he couldn't help but smile. 

Jerome looked up to see Mitch standing there, who quickly looked away.

"Hey biggums, what's up?

Slightly red in the cheeks due to the fact Jerome had caught him staring, he quickly sat down. Thinking for a quick second, he realized it would be mad to talk to Jerome here, at the house, with 5 other guys in the house. Someone would bound to hear. 

"Would you wanna head to the rope swing later? I kinda need to get some things off my chest." He asked, hoping Jerome would understand and come. 

"Sure Mitch," he said, smiling, with a hint of concern in his face, "Meet you there in 30?" And with that he got up and left, seeming to be in a hurry. Mitch rested his head in his hands, sighing, realizing what he was about to do. 

Jerome's P.O.V.

Jerome rushed upstairs, not wanting to keep Mitch waiting. Something was bothering his Benj, and he was determined to help. He was curious however if it had to do with what happened yesterday, during the vlogging prank. He wasn't able to actually ask Mitch what he was going to say, he just froze up. But today would be different, they would talk and hopefully Jerome would figure out what was going on, Mitch didn't seem like himself lately. Ever since they came here actually. 

He was a tad excited though, they had found the rope swing in the back woods, that overlooked a pond. They rarely ever jumped, but just hung out, it was there own little place, keeping it a little secret from the group. 


Jerome almost jumped at the sound, but quickly realized it was Tyler. 

"Hey Ty what's up?" He asked, looking at the clock, he had 15 minutes to meet Mitch. It only took about 5 minutes to get there, but he didn't want to be late. 

"I um, was just wondering if you knew what was up with Adam lately." 

Adam? Something's up with him too?

"What do you mean? He seems fine."

Tyler walked to the bed and sat down, obviously not planning a short conversation. "I don't know really, he just keeps checking his phone and seems really stressed. He won't talk about it with me, and I was, um, wondering if you could for me." 

Now I gotta talk to two people, but Ty seems to really care about Adam if he would come to me, it's the least I can do, he thought. 

"Yeah definitely, I'll do it later, but now I really gotta go dood, try not to worry about it too much, I'm sure he's fine."

Not meaning to ditch Tyler, Jerome got up and left the room, his destination, Mitch.

Be my Bacca? (Merome FanFic) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora