Chapter 3- Unknown

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"NO JEROME PLEASE, LEMME HELP YOU!" Mitch shouted through the mic, as Jerome was being chased by a spider with 2 hearts and low hunger, about to sacrifice himself for Mitch intending to leave his head behind for him.

"Biggums this is for you!! LONG LIVE THE BACCA!" He yelled, as Mitch heard the boom, indicating a death. The chat spammed with 'gg' and '#merome'. Jerome logged off and walked over to Mitch,

"Gotta win for me biggums!" He said, and trying to distract Mitch, sat on his lap.

"Noooo I can't see, there's a witch!!" Mitch yelled, frantically spamming the space bar, running into a cave and hold shifting so he could talk to Jerome. He honestly didn't mind Jerome sitting on him, but got worried when he felt himself getting a little too excited. Hoping Jerome didn't notice, he continued.

"How could ya leave me? I can't do dis without ya" He fake whimpered. Jerome just grinned.

"You got this benj, I believes in you!" He said, getting up. For a moment, Mitch was disapointed, but immediately perked up, as Jerome was talking again.

"Imma go order some dinner, whaddya want?" He asked, heading out the door.

"Surprise me!" Mitch yelled, and immediately regretted that decision. This was Jerome they were talking about. "I mea-"

"Nope! A surprise it will be biggums!" Jerome yelled, cutting him off. Mitch just laughed under his breath and got back to the recording.

"Sorry doods, that was Jerome, as you know he is staying at my house before we lift off to TeamCrafted!" His voice getting louder towards the end. The subscribers always got hyped up when the team got together.

After about a half-hour, when Mitch was in the middle of episode 4, he got a skype call. 'From Sky? He was still in the game...' He accepted, muting his voice recording the time being.

"I'm not telling you where I am dood" Mitch answered with, guessing that was what Adam wanted.

"No no no no listen," He responded, "Where's Jerome right now?"

"Downstairs, why what's up?" He said, mining coal. There were 11 people left, him and Adam included.

"You need to tell him, now." Mitch was confused, Adam sounded serious, unlike his usual self. Especially at a time like now, during UHC, it was very unusual.

"Tell him what?"

"About your feelings for him..." He said hushed down, and when no response was givin, continued, "I'm sorry man, I messed up."

"What do you mean? What did you do?" Mitch demanded, his voice getting very stern. He couldn't tell Jerome, he just couldn't, and nothing could force him, no matter what Adam did.

"I'll show you..." He heard in his headset, followed by Adam leaving the Skype call.

Moments later, a text was received to his phone.



From: Unknown

I would just like to say thank you so much for sharing that little secret about our Mitch. I really do appreciate it. My life has been so boring lately, and this is just the thing I needed to stir a little drama. So this is what I want you to do. Tell Mitch this, tell him that if he doesn't tell Jerome the secret by friday, I will. Wouldn't want Jerome to hear it from somebody else now would we?

Mitch turned off the phone in disbelief. 'No no no this can't be happening!' He thought.

Not paying attention at all to the recording, Mitch got slaughtered in a one way fight with Preston, not even touching the keyboard. The chat was confused, but Mitch just logged off.

"Mitch food's re-hey you okay?" Jerome said, entering the room. Mitch hadn't even noticed tears were making their way down his face until Jerome mentioned it. Standing up and wiping them, he replied.

"I'm good. Seriously, just, uh, heard some bad news." He tried to walk past Jerome.

"Wanna talk about it?" Jerome asked, lightly grabbing Mitch's arm. The touch made sparks go through Mitch's stomach, but he couldn't focus on that, there was a bigger matter on hand.

"Maybe later." He responded, pushing past Jerome, as much as it pained him.

(Could I possibly ask for some feedback on this so far? Just so I know if people like it, and if not, why? Thanks a ton. Later doods!)

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