Chapter 4- A Lie Believed?

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(Time skip to after dinner)


I can't tell him, he can't know. If anything, I'll wait until the last minute, right before we leave. So, if he freaks out, I just won't go. Yeah, that sounds good.

"So what's up Mitch?" Jerome questioned, snapping Mitch out of his thoughts. He was obviously referring to the series of events that occurred today.

"Jerome it's not-"

"Don't lie, please, Mitch, I need to know." Jerome interrupted, his face having no joy in it. The feeling within Mitch was making him sick, he couldn't handle seeing him like this. It was all his fault, why couldn't he have hid it better?

'I need to come up with a lie, a believable one...' He thought, instantly coming up with one, but not necessarily a good one.

"I just didn't want to bring down the hype of you being here." Mitch said, avoiding answering for as long as possible.

"Mitch, it's me, you can tell me anything. I want to help."

Looking up, staring into Jerome's eyes, his stomach got into a knot. 'Why is he making this so hard!' All Mitch wanted was to get through this week, forget about the text, and just go along like nothing happened, continuing hiding his crush, with having no intention of telling Jerome.

"It's just...." He went on telling about how his dog was really sick, and the vet honestly didn't think she was going to live. Mitch felt bad about lying, but he needed an excuse, at least until he figured out a way to solve all of this.


As Mitch explained, Jerome immediately knew he was lying. 'If he can't tell me, then it's obviously something big. He'll tell me when he's ready...' He thought, and pretended to go along.

"That's awful Mitch, I'm so sorry..." Mitch looked up, with a hint of shock on in his face, but stayed silent. Jerome decided to change the topic, not wanting Mitch to feel too uncomfortable.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something? Something to get this off your mind?" He offered.


'Ha, like I could get my mind off of this, and what was with him going along with my lie? He could always tell when I'm lying...' He thought, and getting up, answered.

"Sure, go pick one, I'll be right there."

"Okay biggums" Jerome said grinning, running towards the living room.

Once he left, Mitch pulled out his phone, and texted Sky.

Mitch: Hey Sky, I don't care what happened, but I refuse to tell Jerome. He just can't know. We'll think of something when me and Jerome come down to L.A. For now, I'm ignoring it, and you should too.

Sending the text and walking down the hall, Mitch felt better, and hoped to stay true to his word, of ignoring the situation.

"Hey buddy, guess what were watching?" Jerome said as he walked in, with an evil smirk.

"Plz no scary movies" Mitch said, flopping down on the couch. When Jerome stayed silent, Mitch looked to the shelf to see an empty case of Saw II.

"No, Jerome, don't make me watch this!" He yelled, half joking, half serious. Jerome knew he hated horror movies, and therefore, purposely picked them whenever they watch a movie.

"You'll be fine Mitch, I got ya biggums." He said laughing, turning the lights off. Mitch grabbed a pillow and braced for the worse.

Not being able to watch the movie anymore, Mitch zoned out, thinking about Jerome again.

'Tomorrow's only thursday, and we have until Friday. Me and Sky will think of something right? Anything to avoid facing the truth. Then again, would it be that bad telling Jerome? Wait what am I talking about, of course it would be..'

Catching a glimpse of Jerome from the corner of his eye, Mitch wondered what it would be like if the feeling was mutual. How he could finally kiss him, like he's be wanting to forever it seems. That would never happen though, the way Jerome joked around about that kind of stuff, show'd that he wasn't even looking for a relationship at the moment.

His thoughts was once again interrupted by his phone going off. He heard a groan from Jerome.

"Dood, no phones during the movie!" Mitch just laughed and continued to unlock his phone. Seeing that it was from Sky, he started to internally panick. All of a sudden Jerome sept the phone out of his hand.

"Biggums gimme" He said, grabbing it. Jerome stood up and grinned.

"What could be so important to interrupt our movie date?" He said jokinly. Mitch tried not get too serious, but didn't want Jerome to see, in case it was about what he and Sky had been talking about.

"Jerome-" Getting up, he grabbed for his phone.

"Nu uh!" He held his hand out, blocking any attempts from Mitch. Opening the text, Jerome's face was unreadable.

Mitch backed away, his face set in fear, positive that everything had just been ruined.

(Hey doods! Aren't cliffhangers fun? Could we possibly get some comments here? Just a thumbs up about the story so far, some advice, etc? Pretty plz?)

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