Chapter 9- The Truth

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Mitch's P.O.V.

Mitch sat on a tree stump, looking at the rope swing. He had only even been down here with Jerome, them coming here for about a year now. It had been either of there's hiding spot when they needed time away from the group, and this is definitely one of those times.

How am I going to tell him? Just spit it out? 'Jerome I love you?' 'I've had a crush on you for months?' I dunno if I can do this...

Mitch stood up, not sure what to do. Would he stay? Explain this through? Or leave, leaving Jerome clueless. Before he could even think to make a choice, he heard his bacca coming down the path, rustling through the over grown bushes.

Mitch sat back down, his heart beating faster than ever.

This is it.

"Hey biggums," Jerome said calmly, sitting down on the ground facing Mitch.

This definitely was it. Them two, away from everyone else, alone. Even without the threats, this was a perfect time for Mitch to tell the truth.

"Hey, sorry for asking you to come out here suddenly." Mitch started to explain, figuring an apology was the best way to start.

"No worries Mitch, what's up?" The concern showing in his face once again' "You said you wanted to get something off of your chest, to talk, is everything alright?"

Mitch felt his hands start to shake. Could he do this?

"Um, I'm not sure at the moment. There's something I need to tell you."

He saw Jerome pause before he spoke.

"Is this about the nightmares?"

Mitch was shocked for a second, he didn't expect to be asked that. Jerome couldn't know about them, then again, he did catch him in the middle of one.

"Um, it ties in with that." He wasn't lying either, the mightmares started a bit after he had fell for Jerome. Rejection, his biggest fear. Not only from Jerome, although that was a big one, but of everybody calling him out on being bisexual. Parents, friends, anyone. Nightmares had haunted him for months.

Jerome nodded, motioning Mitch to go on.

"Well, ever since the last time we were all here,"

"I remember that, it was a couple of months ago" Jerome inturrupted.

"Yeah, remember when we sat by the pool?"

"Yeah dude, we talked for hours. It was nice."

Mitch smiled a little bit, hopefully he wouldn't think this would be that weird.

"Well, since then, that trip, I had developed feelings for you. Jerome, I like you, alot in that matter."


Jerome looked directly into Mitch's eyes, but said nothing.

Mitch couldn't tell what his reaction was going to be. His hands were shaking badly, he held them in his lap to try and make it less noticible.

"And um, I know this sounds stupid, crushing on your best friend, but Jerome, you have been there for me more than anyone else, and I couldn't ask for anyone better to call my biggums."

Tears started forming in Mitch's eyes. Jerome looked down.

More silence.

"Please, I'm sorry for bringing you into this, but you have to know." Literally. Have too. "I'm sorry, please, don't hate me"

Jerome snapped his head up,

"I could never hate you Mitch."

Mitch blinked, chocking back tears, looking at his hands.

Jerome continued,

"I don't really know what to say to that buddy, I love you, but as my biggums. As for liking you more than that, well I don't know."

He doesn't know?

"...What do you mean?"

"Look at me Mitch." And he did so. Jerome stared for a second, biting his lip, seeming to plan out what he was going to say.

"I can't say that there's nothing here, but I also don't know what IS here." He said, reaching to grab Mitch's shaking hands.

Mitch smiled a bit on the inside, Jerome couldn't deny that there wasn't something here. Maybe this could work...

Jerome's P.O.V.

Jerome inside was freaking out. He was right, Mitch had felt something for him. But could he return the feeling?

He couldn't deny that he didn't like him, but was it enough? He never saw himself and Mitch together as a couple. But then again, he didn't seem himself part of TeamCrafted, and a youtuber with over 2 million subscribers.

"How about, um, we wait this out? Nothing will change between us obviously. But I think I need some time to think about this."

Mitch's P.O.V

All Mitch could hear was rejection. This had gone better than hoped, but Jerome had still rejected him. All he could do now was put on a smile and deal with how it went.

"I understand. So we're still good?" Mitch replied, feeling the urge to break down float away. At least this was over, the threats could stop. He hoped.

"Of course we're good. C'mere" he said, pulling Mitch into a hug.

"Wait, is this what the nightmares were about?" Jerome said, pulling back quite suddenly. Mitch looked down.

"Yes." He simply said, and seeing Jerome looking somewhat confused, he continued.

"I was, and still am afraid of being rejected. For, um, being bisexual and liking you..." He said, feeling quite embarrassed at the moment.

"You were afraid that I would what? Stop being you friend? That everyone would? Mitch that's crazy, we would never do that. I would never do that. You're my best friend okay? Nothing is going to change that, nothing."

Mitch smiled, and hugged Jerome again, suddenly feeling very good on how this turned out.

The two decided to go back, not wanting the others to notice their disappearance.

"I meant to ask you, do you know what's been up with Adam? Tyler's worried."

This got Mitch's attention, the only thing he could think that could be bothering Adam was the texts.

Jerome continued, "He says Adam keeps checking his phone and just looks stressed. He won't talk to Tyler about it, so Tyler came to me."

Yup. Definitely the texts. Now that this was over, Adam should be able to relax about the whole thing.

"Um, no I can't say I have noticed anything. I'm sure he would say something if it was important." Mitch lied, as he thought there was no point in making this a big deal if it was over. The anonymous threatener had nothing on Mitch now.

Or so he thought.

//Hey doods. Please don't forget to comment and vote! It means a lot. I hope you enjoyed :3 Laterz.//

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