Chapter 6- The War Begins

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Arriving at the TeamCrafted house was nothing less than what they expected. What was in store Mitch braced for the oncoming pranks by his fellow as everyone seemed to have vowed to make him first victim.

"You ready Biggums?"

"Does a one eyed chicken blink?" Jerome replied, grabbing his bags out if the trunk, grinning. Mitch took that as an obvious yes, and cautiously walked towards the door.

" might want to leave your bags out here..." Adam chirped from behind, leaning on the hood of his car. Mitch and Jerome looked at each other with a hint of fear in their eyes. They instantly knew that the water guns must be out, and with them defenseless, they had to think of a plan before they were attacked.

"Spares in the shed?" Jerome offered in a hushed tone, weary of Adam.

"I'll go in front for a distraction"

"You sure about this?"

Mitch laughed and set forth to the door, seeing Jerome sprint around back. Looking back, expecting to see Adam, was taken back when he wasn't. Where did he go?

He opened the door and came face to face one? Stepping in, he looked up the stairs, and still saw no one. Very confused, Mitch walked up, into the open room. It was dead silent, something very unusual for this house. Looking out the window that over looked the pool, he saw Jerome making his way into the shed, only he wasn't alone.

The rest of the team, including Adam, was sneaking behind him. Mitch couldn't do anything but yell through the sound proof glass. Before he could make a motion to open the window however, they had already caught Jerome by surprise. To avoid getting soaked, he raised his hands in surrender, not able to grab the spare water guns. It seemed like he was trying to negotiate. To hear what they were saying, Mitch quietly opened the window, hoping not to attract attention.

"Where's the benj?" Quentin asked, trying to keep himself from laughing. Of course they were aiming for Mitch, his last prank had been had involved a lot of water, food coloring, and rice. Mitch was sure this was just step one in their plan for revenge.

"I dunno! Plz I fan!" Jerome replied, and seeing Mitch through the window, winked.

"Check the house!" Adam shouted, laughing. Betrayer! Okay, Mitch what can you do, the guns are out back, which are now being guarded by Jason and Ian, and Jerome, who is now sitting on the ground, hands on his head. Great, this should be interesting.

He heard the front door open and had to think fast. These guys weren't afraid to get the furniture wet, so that protection was out. The only way outside was from the downstairs, unless he wanted to jump, which was out of the question.

"Come on Mitch think!" He whispered. He had to help Jerome, and suddenly he remembered something. Running to Tyler's room, he opened the window. A tree had grown fairly close to his room, and was the perfect escape route.

Mitch jumped the short distance to the tree and found his way down, hiding behind a branch whenever he heard someone pass Tyler's room.

Reaching the ground, he ran behind a bush, and spotted Jerome. I need to get his attention, Mitch thought, as maybe the Bacca could make a distraction.


It was fifth grade, Mitch and Jerome were playing manhunt with the kids in the neighboorhood.

"Okay, if you see anybody come near my spot, do the signal alright?" Jerome said, running alongside Mitch who replied with,

"You do the same!"

"Asf!" The two said together, their handshake accompanying it. Parting to their hideouts, the game began.

About 10 minutes had passed, when Mitch spotted a seeker, walking straight pass his hiding spot, straight to Jeromes.

Mitch immediately did the signal, a bird call he and Jerome had learned at summer camp. And right after that Jerome sprung up, grabbing the seekers attention, and Mitch took the opportunity to run to base.

The suicide call they called it. They were gunna be found anyways, so might as well go down fighting, or running in this case, and also give the other person a chance to get safe.

((End Flashback))

Would Jerome remember the call? Would he get the hint to make a distraction? Mitch could only hope.


I'm bored. Sooooo bored. Where's Mitch? They should have found him by now. I don't blame them, Mitch's pranks last time were hilarious. Maybe I could negotiate my way out of this...

"Erm, I have to go to the bathroom." He got no responce.

"It's like really bad, I'm gunna explode." Still silence.

He sighed and laid down, hands still behind his back, he didn't want to get wet when he had no defense.

Suddenly he heard a...birdcall? Looking towards Jason and Ian, it seems neither of them were paying close enough attention to it. He heard it again, from the same direction. Mitch! He thought, instantly remembering their childhood signal.

A distraction, hmm what can I do. Pull them away from the sheds, that's for sure. Okay Biggums, this one's for you.

"HASTAG MEROME" Jerome shouted, sprinting towards the front of the house, his back getting soaked. Hearing Jason and Ian scramble up and both chasing after him, he hoped that Mitch had enough time, Heh, Mitch time.

((Flashforward an hour))


"Damn, I thought we had him" Jason murmured, and the other 4 agreed. Mitch and Jerome had brought home victory, which resulted in the whole team soaked, Tyler spraining his left ankle, and the surrender of the rest of the team.

"We won the hunger deems Mitch" Jerome said, grinning.

"Yes we did biggums" He replied, and for that moment, everything seemed perfect.

(So this chapter was just for fun, introducing the rest of the team, and giving Mitch a break from his current situation :3 Don't forget to comment/vote! Pretty plz?)

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