Chapter 7- Interrupted

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Hey doods, I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am, it's been what a month? Yeah, I don't really have any excuses, just a ton of personal crap that took away my energy and enjoyment of writing, but hopefully I can start uploading more often? Sorry for the wait, hope you all enjoy!


After finally drying off, the guys went off on their own for the 2 hours before the meetup, most of them recording or editing. Mitch had gone up to his room to unpack, and to simply think. He was here for a couple of weeks, and by tomorrow he knew he would want to leave. Why did this have to happen now? He thought, and sighed.

Opening his computer, he logged into Skype and saw that the majority of TeamCrafted was on, excluding Ty, who was who knows where. Almost immediately he received a call from Jerome.

"Dude I'm like two doors down" he answered, smiling. Looking at his bacca grinning back through the screen, Mitch laughed. No matter how bad of a mood he was in, he couldn't help but to smile.

"Exactly! Hey come to my room for a minute?"

"But that's soooooo far dood!"

"For me biggums?"

Mitch smirked and hung up. Curious to what Jerome could want, he proceeded with caution. But immediately thought of an idea, which he couldn't tell was a good or bad one. This could be my chance to tell him, to get it over with. He knocked on the door, and let himself in.

Mitch was expecting for Jerome to be on his bed or at his desk, but when he saw that both spots were empty, he slowly backed up towards the door, grinning, what was he up to?

"Biggums? Plz I fan!" He jokingly pleaded, looking around. Everything seemed normal, almost.

Suddenly, a Bacca came in from behind, tackling Mitch to the ground. With lots of playful struggling and laughing, Mitch eventually found himself pinned downed underneath.

"Why you do dis?" He shouted, attempting to escape, but burst out laughing instead.

"For the fans Mitch!"

Looking up, Mitch finally noticed the camera sitting upon the desk, pointed right at them. I should have known, he thought, laughing.

"You dirty stinkin Bacca!"

"But you love me Biggums!" Jerome replied, pretending to be hurt. Here's my chance, just say it Mitch. Okay, here we go. He thought, deciding to tell him, right here, right now.

"Jerome I-"

"FLUUUFFF-oh, am I interrupting something here?" Adam said popping in, wearing a grin on his face. Jerome laughed and stood up, pulling Mitch off the ground.

"Nah G, just playing a little prank on our dear Mitchell. You should have seen his face!"

Mitch forced a small chuckle, frozen in place due to what had just happened, he was going to say it! Damn Adam, I know he didn't do anything...but still, of course this would happen to me.

"I'll get you back dood, gotta go." He muttered, and pushed through the two to get to his room. He just had to get out of here. Opening the door to his room down the hall, Mitch locked the door and sat down on his bed. He was sure that Jerome didn't hear him, but what if he did?


"Okay see you later dood" Jerome said, as Adam left the room, still laughing about what happened.

Jerome walked over to the camera to stop the recording. He wanted to put this on youtube immediately, he couldn't wait to see the fangirls reactions to a classic ol' Merome video. Plugging it into the computer, he went straight to editing it, first having to watch it of course.

Progressing through the video, Jerome couldn't contain his laughter, with Mitch's face when he was no where to be seen, the struggling, all of it, it was golden footage. Towards the end however, Jerome opened a new window to twitter, prepared to give a hint to a new vlog, when he heard a fragment of a sentence that made him freeze for a second.

"What?" He said under his breath, going back to the video, rewinding a couple of seconds, wanting to make sure he heard that right.


"But you love me biggums!" He had said, joking around to the struggling Canadian pinned down underneath him. Mitch's face got serious then, something Jerome hadn't noticed before, as he was too busy laughing.

"Jerome I-"


[End Recording]

Jerome stopped the recording, and sat back in his chair. What was Mitch going to say? He questioned, and decided to just go ask Mitch himself, it couldn't be what he thought it was, it just couldn't be.

He stood up, not wanting to overthink this and get worked up about it, when it could just be nothing. He walked down the hall to Mitch's room, and taking a deep breath, knocked.

Be my Bacca? (Merome FanFic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now