Welcome to the Orphanage

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It took about twenty five minutes to make it to the orphanage. It was grey and looked like any life that it once had left and didn't bother to come back. Leaving this frail structure as if it were an exoskeleton. The windows had metal cages bolted on to them as if they were keeping prisoners inside, the wood was washed and splintering with porch steps starting to come up at the corners.

"Good god, how the hell has this not been shut down. If our school looked like this there wouldn't be a question about it, we would get shut down in less then a day. And if we put bars on the windows you would be questioned and most likely put in front of a jury. I mean jesus Arice I don't know if I even want to go in."

"Any of your idea's are as good as mine," I said bunching over more to try and get a better look from. The shortness of the windshield, "Maybe the inside is better."

"I hope so," Shelby replied while still gazing at the poor quality of the orphanage.

I took his hand and squeezed it gently as I brought it up to my mouth pushing a kiss to it.

"We've made it this far, come on. Together."

Shelby nodded and we got out of the small slender, box like car. Shutting the doors with a loud slam behind us. The gravel crunched under our feet as we walked up to the long narrow door. With each step I could feel the butterflies in my stomach grow and my heart sink more.

Come on Arice snap out of it. You work with kids for christ sake, this is ridiculous. I thought to myself while standing by the door. I saw Shelby staring at me from the corner of my eye, I just continued staring at the door.

He took my hand and said softly, "Together then."


Then we both pushed open the door and went into the dreadful building. The inside was small, staircase right in front of the door and the space beside it was a small loft, half of it being taken over by a small dining table with about three times as many chairs then it was made to have around it. Just the thought of sitting down there with every other chair filled made me feel claustrophobic. There was a narrow single person sided hole in the long wall that I assume leads to the kitchen. All the wall were a light gray, most of them having black smug along them from people running their hands across them. And giving the staircase I see why. There was no railing on it, just open space. And the floor lining was covered with dried mud. Most likely from little kids scraping the bottoms of there shoes on it

"Holy Matrimony how is this still open?" Shelby asked again with more discussed and disbelieved then before.

Hugged the wall we went to the back of the crowd of adults where we wouldn't really be noticed.

"It's a miracle we aren't late."

"Don't I know it, maybe this whole place is enchanted or something cuz everything here is a miracle." Shelby replied.

It was quiet with just the slight hisses of maybe 5 or so people whispering. Then the silence was broken by an ear bleeding chim followed by a mob of children, all of different ages and heights, scurrying down the stairs practically tripping over each other. Several were dangerously close to falling off the edge of the open staircase, trying to hole out there arms to balance but finding that there was no space to do so. No one seemed alarmed by this however, everyone stood calmly and quietly waiting for the children to all be downstairs, then there was Shelby. Intensely watching them all making sure none would fall, tapping his foot nervously.

"Relax," I said slipping my hand into his.

He clenched onto it and said nothing still intently watching. He was going to be a wonderful dad to whoever we decided to take with us.

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