little about me and this story

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Hey Lovelyz

This was the first narrative I ever came up with. It is not what I consider my first story, that would be Brocken Clocks.

But this story came from when I was in 6th grade I tried to join a book club. I failed, me and words have never been friends. I switch them for something else, spelling never makes since, and it takes me an ungodly amount of time to even read a chapter. But when I failed my LA teacher, the one who started the book club, went out and bought a journal. And me and them had our own writing club.

6th grade is also when I got my very first crush on a girl in my pottery class, she was awesome. And I told my closest friend how I was pretty sure I was gay and someone else over heard and spread it around the entire school. I was petrified of my crush finding out, so I lied. I went back into the closet. It was a very confusing time.

So I started to write a story in my shared writing journal. I called it Two Men and it was about two kids that had been in this orphanage for most of their lives, a big somewhat over controling brother and a spot fire younger sister who thinks she doesn't need anyone and especially didn't need anyone telling them what to do. And one day for some strange unknown reason these two men that barely talked to them for ten minutes choose to take them home with them. Somthing Willow thought was a lost cause at that point.

There is a lot of things I miss about this side of the story like Jone and Willow's midnight make up after Jone hit her where they go out on the roof for the first time and gaze at the stars together and apologize and promise to really and try to make this home work. Or when Willow starts to think of them as dads not their names or Jone's international monologue of self dought in being a big brother the same way Arice had doughts about being a good dad. A deep personal look at how angry and upset Willow and Jone where after getting beat up.

But there is so many things I love about this version. You get a view of Shelby and Arice as more then just the dads but also as people with deep emotions and doughts and backgrounds. The outward view of the kids and their backgrounds. It just makes the story more of a family setting and not a child sobstory with dashes of what the hell do we do.

Now I know the ending is less then desirable. It's abrupt, awkward, and frankly one of the worst endings I think I've ever wrote. And in all sincerity it's because I didn't really know how else to end it and I wanted the 'here's were they are now' where we see everything worked out and they have amazing happy lives.

So yah, and if you guys have any questions lemme know. Bye dears!

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